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Updated: August 20, 2024

But the ore specimens, they're right here in the bandanner, and I aimed to give 'em to Johnnie to put 'em right in her lap the best gal that ever was and say to her, 'Here's your silver mine, honey, that your good-for-nothin' old uncle found for ye; now you can live like a lady! That's what I aimed to say to Johnnie. I didn't aim that nobody else should tetch them samples till she'd saw 'em."

Sam, there is an old spade leaning against the cabin wall go over and get it." "Ah ain't goin' fer ter tetch no daid man, sah." "I'll attend to that; all you need do is dig. Over there at the edge of the wood will answer, and we shall have to place all three in one grave we can do no more."

"I sot down on a log, and put my basket on the stump, and went ter eatin'. I never smelt anything so good as that dinner smelt, less 'twas a good venison steak on the coals, when you're putty hungry. "Wal, I sot there, eatin' away, and, the fust thing I knowed, I kind 'er felt suthin' tetch my shoulder. I turned my head, and thar was a big black bar, with his nose within a foot of mine.

She made no effort to struggle free, or voice her heart's protest against this outrage, but stood with her body rigid and unyielding within the circle of his arm until he slowly released her, mumbling, "I reckon I air plumb ershamed of myself, Smiles. I didn't go fer ter do hit, an' I knows thet I haint deservin' ter tetch so much es ther hem of yo'r skirt."

"Don't nobody ever leave one of my barbecue tables until sundown begins to tetch up the empty bones," has been his boast for years. And as he had cleared away the last scrap from the last table, he leaned against a tree, exhausted and triumphant, with alert, adoring eyes fixed on the Crag, who had risen in his place at the head of the long central table.

'Wa-all, never mind a-talkin' about it now, says Mirandy, settin' to quiet her, an' pettin' an' soothin' her in a way that I wouldn't a-believed of Mirandy if I hadn't a-seen it; for she hasn't had much to tetch the soft spot in her heart sence our leetle Sallie died, which is nigh onto eight year ago.

On the street he held his head proudly erect, and regarded the crowd with an expression of "Tetch me gin ye dar!" Although the surroundings were as strange to him as a city of Mars would be to us, he showed neither concern nor approval, but rather a fine disdain, like that of Diogenes at the country fair: "Lord, how many things there be in this world of which Diogenes hath no need!"

The cry came again, and upon it was borne the words, distinct now in the stillness: "Fur de Lawd's sake doan kill me." "Come on!" Jasper shouted, as he leaped out of the wagon; and everyone followed him. "Hold on thar!" the old man cried. "Don't tetch him whoever you air. Do you hear me? It's Jasper Starbuck that's a talkin' to you."

The maid was so taken aback for a moment that she did not speak. Then she drew herself up. "I know I ain' gwine to tetch it. I done made it up onct to-day. An' I ain't got no mistis." The mammy turned on her. "Umh'm! I thought so! I knows jest yo' kind. Well, de sooner you git out o' dis room de better for you.

You see big strong men goin' around shakin' their teeth out an' docterin' day an' night at Sol's, but I'll be doggoned if you ever see a woman takin' it. Seems as if they'd ruther shake theirselves to death than tetch a drop o' whisky." "You would not have them otherwise, would you?" "Why, if I ever caught my wife takin' a swaller o' whisky, I'd well, by gosh, I don't know what I would do.

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