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The girl was not tall enough by many inches to protect Dic's face from the breaking Doug had threatened; but what she lacked in height she made up in terror, and she looked so "skeert," as Doug afterwards said, that he turned upon his heel with the remark: "That's all right. I was only joking. We don't want no fight at a church social, do we, Dic?"

"Sho'," she was saying, "I done gwine by de windah with ma baby cab full o' cloes, an' dis yer white chile done come tumblin' down an' fall right in ma cab. Now, what do you think o' dat? I reckon I was nevah so done clean skeert afoah in ma life. An' ef de chile didn't grab one of ma bolognas and done git out de cab an' run around de house." "Oh," cried Silvia, "poor little baby! Come to mudder.

Henderson and Andy Sudds can remain asleep." "Well, they are both tired out, I reckon. They had a long watch and we slept, you know." "That was a long time ago," grunted Mark, "It's pretty tough, I admit," said Jack, when Washington White broke in with: "Hi, yi! Whuffo' you boys be sech cowards? Is I skeert? Huh!" "You bet you're scared," returned Jack, emphatically.

What do I keer? what doos it matter to me what he saw? I doan't bleeve he saw owt, if yo ast me. He wor skeert wi his own thinkins, an th' cowd gripped him i' th' in'ards, an twisted him as yo may twist a withe of hay Aye! it wor a cruel neet. When I opened t' door i' t' early mornin, t' garden wor aw black th' ice on t' reservoir wor inches thick.

"Are you hurt, Oncle Jazon?" he inquired. "Are you hurt?" "Not a bit jes' skeert mos' into a duck fit. Thought a cannon ball had knocked my whole dang face down my throat! Nothin' but a handful o' splinters in my poorty count'nance, makin' my head feel like a porc'-pine. But I sort o' thought I heard somepin' give you a diff."

When Sam Elkins come, I say, "Sh, Mistah Elkins, Miss Annie, she done tuk down," an' he say, "What, Jube, you don' reckon hit de " Den he stop an' look skeert, an' I say, "I feared hit is, Mistah Elkins," an' sheks my haid ez solemn. He goes outer de gate lookin' lak his bes' frien' done daid, an' all de time Miss Annie behine de cu'tain ovah de po'ch des' a laffin' fit to kill.

"You thought I was dead," said McGee, with eyes still undimmed and marvelously clear. "I orter bin, but it don't need no doctor to say it ain't far off now. I left the Bar to get killed; I tried to in a row, but the fellows were skeert to close with me, thinkin' I'd shoot. My reputation was agin me, there! You follow me? You understand what I mean?"

"And cocoa-nuts in plenty," cried Mark. "If we can get at them," said the major. "Why, Billy, couldn't you climb one o' them trees?" cried Small. "I could one of the small ones," said Mark. "But the small ones don't seem to bear nuts," said the captain quietly. "I dunno," said Billy, after a spell of thinking. "I'm a bit skeert about it." "What, afraid?" growled Small.

"That's what I told you, Jack, she's raised too well to be talkin' to white fellers." "Nobody's raised too well," rejoined Jack Wonnell, "to be deef to love and kindness. Says I to myself: 'Jack, you skeert that gal.

"Heard it in 'Frisco," replied Lance, with glib mendacity, glancing at the girl. "I reckon they're gettin' sort of skeert down there them jewelers," chuckled Dad, "yet it's in nater that their figgers will have to come down. It's only a question of the price of charcoal. I suppose they didn't tell you how I made the discovery?"