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The river man had dropped in just behind her, and, according to the wharf-master: "I shore kept my eyes on that man, for he was a riveh rat!" The thought was sickening to Carline. His wife floating down the river with a river rat close behind presented but two explanations: she was being followed for crime, or the two were just flirting on the river, together.

Cornelius was at that moment rejoicing that this one was peculiarly his. As he drove along the quiet Widewood road he was remarking to his charge: "I arrove fum Pussy on the six o'clock train. One o' the fus news I get win' of is that you in town. Well! y'ought to see me!" But his hearer refused to be flattered. "Wha'd you do run jump in de riveh?" "Jump in I reckon not! I flew.

"You found yo' man?" "Shucks! Hit wa'n't the man I wanted, hit were my boat a nice, reg'lar pine an' oak-frame boat. I bet me I chucked him ovehbo'd, an' towed back up to Memphis. Hit were a good $300 bo't, sports built, an' hits on the riveh yet Dart Mitto's got hit, junkin'. You'll see him down by Arkansaw Old Mouth if yo's trippin' right down." "I expect to," Rasba replied, doubtfully.

"Las' time, jes' when I was coming home, I see a piebald mewl, an' now hyar comes a parson. Dad drat this yeah ole riveh! I'm goin' to quit. I'm gwine to go to Hot Springs!" These casual asides were as nothing, however, to the tumult that stirred in the soul of Jock Drones, who had been cutting bread to make boiled-ham sandwiches for their patrons that night.

Thus the four gossiped, and when Doctor Grell had taken his departure the three talked together about the river and its wonders. At intervals they went over to look after Prebol whose chief requirement was quiet, meat broths, and his medicines. As night drew down Drones turned to Buck: "It's goin' to be hard leaving the riveh! I neveh will forget, Buck.

When tha drawed DOWN to shoot, he stud right thar an shot back shoot fer shoot, an now he has goned awa down the Rivehs an I am worited abot his soul because he is a gud boy an neveh was no whars in all his borned days an an i hear now he is gettin bad down thataway on Misipy riveh where thas all Bad Peple an i wisht yud prey fer him so's he wont get bad. Mrs. drones panted church on Clinch.

Rasba snapped, and then a smile broke across his countenance. He cried out with laughter, and admitted: "Hit's seo, Prebol! I neveh set up with a gal befo' I come down the riveh. Lawse! I plumb forgot." "I don't wonder," Prebol replied, gravely. "She'd make any man forget. She sung me to sleep, an' I slept like I neveh slept befo'."

"Yessah," said Breed, dramatically, rolling the whites of his eyes. "Where?" "Whah? Down on de riveh bank at Temple Bow in de ea'ly mo'nin'! Dey mos' commonly fights at de dawn." Breed had also told me where he was in hiding at the time, and that was what troubled me. Try as I would, I could not remember. It had sounded like Clam Shell.

Misteh Thaine, he'll come back all right. But hit's done fo'casted in my bones that Doctoh Horace won't neveh come. An' when he don't, I'll tell you why he leff'n Grass Riveh, Kansas, for the Fillippians."

Pierre, den Martin, all Cajun'. Oh! dass mo'n fifty year' 'go. Dey all comes from dis yeh riveh coast; 'caze de rich Creole', dey buy 'em out. Yes, seh, dat use' be de Côte Acadien', right yeh whar yo' feet stan'in' on. C'est la côte Acadien', just ici, oui." The trudging stranger waived away the right of translation. He had some reason for preferring English.