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"This un yaint, but theh's two spo'ts down b'low, that's quittin' the riveh, that blue boat theh, but theh's spo'ts." "I 'lowed they mout be," Nelia dropped into her childhood vernacular as she looked down the bank, "Likely yo' mout he'p me bargain, er somebody?" "I 'low I could!" the river woman replied. "Me an' my ole man he'ped a feller up to St.

While he talked, Prebol slyly watched his listener and thought for a long time that Rasba was merely dumbfounded by the atrocities, but at last the Prophet grinned: "An' yo's a riveh rat. Ho law!" "Why, I didn't say " Prebol began, but his words faltered. "Yo' know right smart about such things," Rasba reminded him.

Well, they've come drappin' down ag'in, an' they landed into New Madrid yestehd'y evenin'. Likely they 'lowed to raid some commissary down b'low cayn't tell what they did 'low to do. But they picked good pickin's down theh! Feller come down lookin' fo' a woman, hisn's I expect. Anyhow, he's a strangeh on the riveh. He's got a nice power boat, an' likely he's got money. If he has, good-bye!

I told how hit was, that I wasn't 'vorced, an' so on, but if he meant business, we'd drap into Mendova, which we done. He wanted to pay for the divorce, but I'm independent thataway. I think a lady ought to pay for her own 'vorces, so I done hit, an' I was divorced at 3 o'clock, married right next door into the Justice's, an' we drapped out an' down the riveh onto our honeymoon. Mr.

"Riveh folks believe that thousands of people who died down thisaway, sunk in snagged steamers, caught in burned-up boats, blown to kingdom come in boiler explosions, those that have been murdered, and who died along the banks, keep a-goin' up and down." "Sho!" Rasba exclaimed. "Yo' b'lieve that?"

"Yessah," said Breed, dramatically, rolling the whites of his eyes. "Where?" "Whah? Down on de riveh bank at Temple Bow in de ea'ly mo'nin'! Dey mos' commonly fights at de dawn." Breed had also told me where he was in hiding at the time, and that was what troubled me. Try as I would, I could not remember. It had sounded like Clam Shell.

"Dat Gran' Point'," resumed the black; "'tain't no point on de riveh, you know, like dat Bell' Point, w'at you see yondeh 'twixt dem ah batture willows whah de sun all spread out on the wateh; no, seh. 'Tis jis lil place back in de swamp, raise' 'bout five, six feet 'bove de wateh. Yes, seh; 'bout t'ree mile' long, 'alf mile wide. Don't nobody but Cajun' live back dah.

"She didn't own that there riveh. Hain't a man no right to land in anywheres? She shot me jes' like I was a dawg, an' she hadn't no feelin's nohow. Jes' like a dawg!" "Did you know her?" "No, suh. We'd be'n drappin' down, an' drappin' down come down below Chester, an' sometimes she'd be ahead, an' sometimes me, an' how'd I know she wouldn't be friendly? Ain't riveh women always friendly?

"No, suh! no, suh! none that kaint wait till mawhnin', suh," Bo Peep assured him, adding to himself, "Tiahd as he is, he's not gwine way out to Grass Riveh this blessed night, not if I loses my job of bein' custodian of this huh 'stablishment. Not long's my name's Bone-ah-gees Peepehville, no, suh!" Dr. Carey settled down for the evening with some inexplicable misgiving he could not overcome.

"We 'lowed we'd stop into Mendova. You stop in there an' see Palura; he'll treat you right. He was in the riveh hisse'f once. You talk to him " "What did Terabon and Mr. Carline go on in? What kind of a boat?" "A gasolene cruiser." "Did he say where he'd be?" "Terabon? No. Ask into Mendova or into Memphis. They can likely tell." "Thank you, boys!