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Updated: August 22, 2024

Hit wah cuz you all wah done woah out las' night. Hit wah Misteh Shulley from Grass Riveh, suh. He said hit wah Misteh Asheh Aydelot's wife " "For the love of God!" Horace Carey cried hoarsely, springing up. "Do you know who Mrs. Aydelot is, Bo Peep?" "No, suh; neveh see huh." "She was Virginia Thaine of the old Thaine family back at home." Bo Peep did not sit down. He fell in a heap at Dr.

Raunchin's what she needs!" They floated out of the current into the slow reverse eddy, and coming up close to Rasba's fleet, talked back and forth with him till a gleam of light through a window struck him clearly out of the dark. "Hue-e-e!" a shrill woman's voice laughed. "Hit's Rasba, the Riveh Prophet Rasba! Did yo' all git to catch Nelia Crele, Parson?"

"I was all alone, an' I had a good notion to run down the back way, an' trip off down the riveh without no man, I felt so 'shamed. An' theh, right on the sidewalk, was a wad of bills, $99 to a penny. My lan'! I wropped my hand around hit, an' yo' should of seen Mr. Darlet when he seen me come walking down, new hat, new dress, new shoes, new silk stockings the whole business new.

"A lady you knowed?" Rasba asked. "No suh! But she's onto the riveh, into a shanty-boat, purty, too, an' jes' drappin' down, like she wa'nt goin' no wheres, an' like she mout of be'n jes' moseyin'. I jes 'lowed I'd drap in, an' say howdy like, an' she drawed down an' shot bang!" "Was she frightened?" "Hit were a lonesome reach, along of Powerses Island," the man admitted, whining and reluctant.

Dickman was a real gentleman, but, somehow, he couldn't stand the riveh. It sort of give him the malary, an' he got to thinking about salmon fishin' so he went to the Columbia. We parted real good friends, but the Mississippi's good 'nough for me, yes, indeed. I kind of feel zif I knowed hit, an' hit's real homelike." "It is lovely down here," Nelia remarked.

He was cautious, too, about the motorboat and the companion who had taken Carline down the river, till Slamey burst out: "I know that feller. He's a bad man; he's a river rat. If he don't kill Gus Carline, I don't know these yeah riveh fellers. They use down thisaway every winter. I know; I know them all. I leave them alone, an' they leave me alone.

She's all alone, too, an' what a lady travels alone down yeah for I don't know. She's purty enough to have a husband, I bet, if she wants one." "Looks like one of them Pittsburgh er Cincinnati women," Jim Caope declared. "No." Mrs. Caope shook her head. "She's off'n the riveh. Leastwise, she handles that bo't reg'lar. I cayn't git to see her face, but I seen her some'rs, I bet.

His humility would not permit him to think that he could preach to them or exhort them. "Man to man, likely I could he'p some po'r sinner see as much as I can see. If I could kind of get 'em to see what this big, old riveh is like!

I 'low a lady needs protection up the bank er down the riveh, but I 'low if my cookin' don't pay my board, an' if fish I take out'n my nets ain't my own, and the boat I live in ain't mine well, I've drapped two men off'n the stern of my boat to prove hit!" Mrs. Caope had not changed at all, not in the years Nelia could recall, except to change her name.

"Hi-i-i!" a listener cried out, gleefully, "hyar comes the Riveh Prophet after yo sinners. Hi-i-i!" There was a laugh through the crowd. Others strolled out to see the phenomenon. A man who had been playing with fortune at one of the poker tables swore aloud. "I cayn't neveh git started, I don't shift down on my luck!" he whined.

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