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Rasba shook his head gravely. "How come hit yo' know that man?" "He's used down this riveh ten-fifteen years; besides, he married my sister what's Mrs. Dollis now. Hit were a long time ago, though, 'fore anybody knowed he wa'n't no good. I bet we hearn yo' was comin', Parson. Whiskey Williams said they was a Hallelujah Singer comin' down the Ohio said he could hear him a mile.

Minah," Jim Caope suggested. "Mrs. Minah!" Mrs. Caope exclaimed. "Talk about riveh ladies theh's one. She owns Mozart Bend. Seventeen mile of Mississippi River's her'n, an' nobody but knows hit, if not to start with, then by the end. She stands theh, at the breech of her rifle, and, ho law, cayn't she shoot! She's real respectable, too, cyarful an' 'cordin' to law.

Didn't he lef his place an' go down to that Rigrand Riveh, an' didn't he see Misteh Thaine fall back with a bullet pushin' him right into the watah? Yes, an' be drownded if Doctoh Horace hadn't done swum right then and fish him out. An' didn't he stay night time an' day time right by the blessed boy, till he's pullin' him out of dangeh of death's wing?

"Hi-i-i! Yo' all found the man yo' come a-lookin' fo'. Ho law!" "Hit's the Riveh Prophet," someone replied to a hail from within, the dance ending. A crowd came tumbling out onto the deck of the big boat of the dance hall, everyone talking, laughing, catching their breaths. "Hi-i! Likely he'll preach to-morrow," a woman cried. "To-morrow's Sunday." "Sunday?" Rasba gasped.

What makes my heart rejoice is that there's so much goodness around that I bet 'most anybody's got a right smart chanct to get shut of slippin' down the claybanks into hell." "Jest Prebol?" someone asked, seeing Prebol's face in the window of the little red shanty-boat moored close by, where he, too, could listen. "Jest Prebol's been my guide down the riveh," the Prophet retorted.

Be'n runnin' my traps down the bank, yeah, an' along of the chute, gettin' rats. Yo' trappin'?" "No, just tripping," Terabon replied. "I was down to New Madrid this morning." "I'm just up from there. Ho law! Theh's one man I'd hate to be down below. I expect yo've hearn tell of them Despard riveh pirates? No!