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Jay, look at the drunken minister coming out of the maternity hospal! Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius. A make, mister. The Denzille lane boys. Hell, blast ye! Scoot. Righto, Isaacs, shove em out of the bleeding limelight. Yous join uz, dear sir? No hentrusion in life. Lou heap good man. Allee samee dis bunch. En avant, mes enfants! Fire away number one on the gun. Burke's! Burke's!

The ex-sailor shifted his quid so that it stuck far out in the opposite cheek with such violence of pressure that a little spot of white appeared through the tan of the skin. He regarded Lawlor for a silent moment with bodeful eyes. "What the hell are you lookin' at?" roared the other. "On your way!" The features of Kilrain twitched spasmodically. "Righto, sir."

You look at the map of Europe, and you'll see why. Harriet, take her. Go with Aunt Harriet, and she'll show you the map." "Righto!" said the little girl, and dragged the reluctant Harriet into the library. Mrs. Herriton and her son were left alone. There was immediately confidence between them. "Here beginneth the New Life," said Philip. "Poor child, how vulgar!" murmured Mrs. Herriton.

Bill, had to be content with that, but he was too much excited to wonder what Antony meant. "Righto," he said. "Go on." "Well, we'll just make sure we can get back again, first. It really wouldn't be fair on the Inspector if we got stuck down here for the rest of our lives. He's got enough to do trying to find Mark, but if he has to find you and me as well "

It was an undignified performance. His twisted ankle stabbed like a knife, and never failed to claim acquaintance with every obstacle in its path. Presently, to his immense relief, the darkness ahead was raked by a restless light, zigzagging like a giant glow-worm. "Lance ahoy!" he shouted. "Righto!" Lance sang out; and the glow-worm waggled a welcome.

Tom contacted the government craft and learned that as yet no sign of the lost Jupiter prober had been detected. Then he made ready to begin his own search. "Let's try the Fat Man suits first," Tom told Bud. Turning to Slim Davis, a Swift test pilot who was in the crew, the young inventor added, "Take over, will you, Slim?" "Righto." Slim eased into the pilot's seat.

Out of grub, d' you think?" Beresford asked. "No. If they had been, he'd have made camp and gone hunting. We crossed musk-ox sign to-day, you know." "Righto. Can't be that. He must be sick." They kept their eyes open. At any moment now they were likely to make a discovery. Since they were in a country of scrubby brush they moved cautiously to prevent an ambush.

"But that's not done, old top; really it's not done, you know. It ... it ... one doesn't do it at all, you know." "Never?" asked Bean, brightening a little with alarm. "Jolly well never," insisted the waster; "not for anything a dentist-fellow could manage. Come now!" Bean was listless once more, deaf, unseeing. "Righto," said the waster. "Bachelor dinner last night ... yes?"

"I hope Don Carlos will be equally complimentary. You see, Tony, I am afraid he is rather vexed with me for complaining to you about him and snubbing him, so I have decided to let him fall in love with me again and make you furiously jealous." "Righto!" laughed Tony. "But don't overdo it, old thing, or I may do a bit of the Othello business, don't you know.

His statement was voluntarily corroborated by several members of an audience which seemed to have materialised from nowhere, and now formed a ring round the encampment. "Righto!" said the man with cheery acquiescence. "Billy, my lad, you've got to 'ave it." "Tha's right, ole son!