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Updated: August 3, 2024

'But I telled him I always used coming to church when I had my health; but this very cold winter weather I hardly durst venture so far and me so bad wi' th' rheumatic and all. 'But he says, "It'll do your rheumatiz good to hobble to church: there's nothing like exercise for the rheumatiz. You can walk about the house well enough; why can't you walk to church?

You'll git rheumatiz, or somethin' o' that sort, if you go on longer, so I'm resolved that you shan't do it there!" "Molly, cushla!" said Machowl, in a modest tone, "I hope you won't clap a stopper on my goin' under water for some time yit plaze." Molly laughed. "Oh! It's all very well for you to poke fun at me, Mister Machowl," said Mrs Baldwin, "but you're young yet, an' my Joe's past his prime.

She come to Saratoga for the rheumatiz, and wuz gettin' well fast, and Ezra was gettin' entirely cured of biles, for which he had come, carbunkles. Wall, she invited Josiah and me to take a ride with 'em, and we both accepted of it, and at the appointed time I wuz ready to the minute, down on the piazza, with my brown cotton gloves on, and my mantilly hung gracefully over my arm.

Burnett air comin' down from Auburn. He air almost here by this time. Then when I git the money, I air a goin' to put yer Daddy in a nice place where he'll get rid of 'is rheumatiz, an' after that I air goin' to fix my shack up with a lot of new stuff, an' ye can have the choosin' of it, brat, an' there air my word, by God." Sandy gazed from father to daughter with a broad smile.

"I s'pose 'tis a sort of disease, this duty business," he mused. "And most diseases ain't cheerful visitations. Still a feller ought not to growl about it in public. I always did hate for a man to be goin' about forever complainin' of his sufferin's whether they was from duty or rheumatiz." Mrs. Dunn's lips snapped shut. She pressed them together impatiently.

Clearly she must decide at once if she was to have any class, for her two boys began to look about them, and show signs of flight. "Did you ever hear about a wonderful spring that used to cure people?" "Lots of 'em. I used to live right by one that cured the rheumatiz." "But this one would cure other things, only it wouldn't cure people all the time.

Reaching Roxbury, he came across a man slowly making his way along the road with a cane. "Let me give you a lift, sir," Robert said. "Thank you. I have been down with the rheumatiz, and can't skip round quite as lively as I could once," said the man as he climbed into the wagon. "'Spect you are from the country and on your way to market, eh?" Robert replied that he was from New Hampshire.

"No, miss, it's dat mis'able rheumatiz. It ketches me now an' den in de lef' knee, so I can't hardly draw my bref. O Lawdy!" he added between his clenched teeth, "but dat do hurt. Ouch! It's a little better now," he said, after a moment, "but I doan' b'lieve I kin roll dat w'eelborrow out ter de watermillun-patch en' back.

Well, for a week or two, Martha, she done for us the best she cud, I s'pose, but she didn't make for to stop the pain, an' at last one night, when me son Sammy was gruntin', an' I was groanin' to beat the band, Martha, she up, all of a suddint, an' says she, she was goin' for to cure us of the rheumatiz, or know the reason why.

Now, sah, dere am some good voodoo doctahs ’roun’ Annapolis, so Marse Truax, he done gwine to see, sah, what er voodoo can promise him fo’ his rheumatiz. I’se a runnah, sah, for de smahtest ole voodoo doctah, sah, in de whole state ob Maryland.” “Then you took Truax to a voodoo doctor to-night?” demanded Jack, almost contemptuously. “Yes, sah; yes, sah.”

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