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At that instant the boy, quite out of breath, came thumping down the stairs. "Mr. Scott's got rheumatiz, Mr. Titus. He begs to be excused " "Buncombe!" snapped Mr. Titus. "He's afraid to play me. Well, this means no game for me. A beautiful day like this and " "I beg your pardon, Mr. Titus," said I, stepping forward. "If you don't mind taking on a stranger, I will be happy to go around with you.

Have you been tumblin' into the fire? 'I don't know, he sez; 'but the funny thing is there's no mark of burnin' as I can see. 'Why, I sez, 'it must be the rheumatiz in yer knuckles. I'll get a drop o' turpentine, and rub 'em, So I gets the turpentine, and begins rubbin' his hand, and his arm as well.

Grandma said, "If the bog was bad for my rheumatiz, what's this going to be?" A man showed the Beechams a vacant house in the long rows. "Not much to look at," he acknowledged, "but the rent ain't much, either. The roofs are tight and a few have running water, case you want it bad enough to pay extra." "To think a rusty pipe and one faucet in my kitchen would ever be a luxury!" Grandma muttered.

After the minister had gone away, Ma told Pa he had got no feeling at all, and Pa said he had got enough feeling for one family, and he didn't want no sky-sharp to help him. He said he could cure all the rheumatiz there was around the house, and then he went down town and didn't get home till most breakfast time.

There wuz two or three old males in the meetin' house, too old to get mad and excited easy, that held firm, and two very pious old male brothers, but poor, very poor, had to be supported by the meetin' house, and lame. They stood firm, or as firm as they could on such legs as theirs wuz, inflammatory rheumatiz and white swellin's and such.

The girl's dull eyes bulged as they took in the cage, completely swathed in a square of black silk. "Gawd's sake, Mistah Dundee!" she ejaculated. "I didn't put dat covah on dat bird's cage! An' neithah did Mis' Bowen, 'cause she been laid up with rheumatiz eveh since you lef, an' eveh las' endurin' thing in dis ol' house has been lef fo' me to do!" "Then I suppose the indignant Mr.

I'm all wore out; my own baby's sick, mother's rheumatiz is extry bad, and my husband's comin' home tonight from his week's work. If he finds a child o' John Winslow's under his roof I can't say what would happen; you'll have to take him back with you to the poor farm." "I can't take him up there this afternoon," objected Mr. Perkins.

Nothing doubting, I had made use of the contents; and he had possessed his soul in peace until a few minutes since, when Thomas had sent him on an errand to the kitchen, and he had heard Mary Jane bewailing the loss of her bottle of "rheumatiz liniment."

"And she was at my house yesterday," said another. "She cum'd to see if I wanted any ting, and I tell'd her I would like to hab a little flannel, 'cause I had the rheumatiz so bad, and she said I should hab it. Den she asked me if I didn't like freedom best. I told her I would rather live in a corn crib, and so I would. It is hard getting along, but I hopes for better times.

I hear you have long followed the sea, Cap'n Sproul I believe that's the name, Cap'n Sproul?" "Sproul it is, ma'am Aaron for fore-riggin'. Them as said I follered the sea was nearer than shore-folks us'ly be. Took my dunnage aboard at fourteen, master at twenty-four, keel-hauled by rheumatiz at fifty-six wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that. I ain't stuck on a penny-flippin' job of this sort."