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'Did th' owd powse say that, lass? cried Milly's mother. 'I nobbud wish I'd yerd him. He's lived more nor thirty year baat one, an' a bonny speciment he is. Bud it's a gradely job for th' woman 'at missed him. He were welly weddin' Malachi o' th' Mount's wife once over. 'Yi; hoo'd a lucky miss, an' no mistak'. But happen hoo'd ha' snapped him. 'Never, lad.

Wee'n nobbud to wait, and we'll mak' it even wi' 'em yet. 'But you must not forget the Divine injunction, Mr. Fletcher. "Avenge not yourselves; vengeance is Mine, I will repay." 'Ay! bless yo', interrupted the wife, 'they think as he's mad' 'em pay too mich already. 'Who, Mrs. Fletcher? asked the minister. 'The Almighty? 'Nay; I mean our Moses there. They say as he's awlus makin' 'em pay.

Aw limped for more nor a week, but aw geet thee, an' aw meant it, if aw'd had to feight fifteen raands more 'So, like the knights of olden time, Malachi, you fought for your fair lady and won her. 'Nay, Mr. Penrose, you morn'd think he nobbud won me wi' a feight; he'd summat else to do for me beside that. Aw noan put mysel up for a boxin' match, aw con tell yo'. 'Nowe, Mr.

'Nay, Libby; yon's a natural sized waist hoo's nobbud small made, thaa sees, said the woman to whom the remark had been made. 'Well, aw'd ha' donned a bonnet on a Sunday. 'Yi; so would I. An' a married woman an' o' aw think hoo might be daycent. 'Yo're reet, lass; there is, an' no mistak'. 'Can hoo play th' pianer, thinksto? 'Can hoo dust one? 'Nowe, aw'll warnd hoo cornd.

'Nay, lad; they put it i' th' hoile because it's noan good. 'Then it's summat like mi dad when I'm naughty, an' he says he'll put me i' th' cellar hoile. 'But he never does does he, lad? asked the grandmother anxiously. 'Nowe, gronny. He nobbud sez he will. And then, after a pause, he continued, 'But, gronny, if God sez He'll put 'em in He'll do as He sez willn't He?

Rehoboth Church is praad o' her sheep; and it keeps th' black uns aatside th' fold, and yo'll nobbud ged blacked yorsel if yo' meddle wi' 'em. But young colts 'll goa their own gait, so pleeas yorsel. At first Mr. Penrose was inclined to think twice over the old Pharisee's advice; but, looking round, he saw Mrs. Stott's sad face in her cottage doorway, and her look determined his advance.

Aw durnd know; but whether thaa's to climb mony or few thaa'll hev strength gien thee, as aw hev. 'Aw wish God's other room wurnd so far off, Gronny nobbud t'other side o' th' wall instead o' th' story aboon. Durnd yo'? 'Nay, lass; they're safer upstairs. Thaa knows He put's 'em aat o' harm's way. 'But aw somehaa think aw could ha' takken care o' little Job a bit longer.

'I've lived my life, thaa sees, lass. I'm nobbud waitin' to go to them as is gone afore; and I could ha' liked to foller them from th' owd haas. And then thaa'rt noan o' th' owd stock, lass. Thy folks ne'er rooted theirsels i' th' soil like mine. 'Come, mother, said the now subdued son, 'we'll find a home for thee, and when thaa dees we'll put thee away. Durnd tak' on like that.

But the crooning old woman heeded him not. With eyes fixed on the fire she continued to read the horoscope of the past: 'We were some happy, those first years, I can tell thee. Then little Billy wor born. Poor little Billy! Thaa's been a good lad, Jim, but I often think what a good un little Billy would ha' been if he'd lived! But he deed. Ay! I con remember it as though it were nobbud yesterneet.

Penrose, th' feight were nobbud th' start like. It were sometime afore th' job were settled. Yo' see, I were a shy sort o' a chap and back'ard like at comin' for'ard. Thaa'rt fond o' her, and hoo's fond o' thee. If hoo's too praad to ax thee to be her husband hoo's noan too praad to say 'Yea' if tha'll nobbud ax her to be thi wife."