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Updated: August 11, 2024

That afternoon, when Matt and Miriam returned from Rehoboth, they found old Deborah less than the little child she watched over; for she, too, had not only become as a little child, but, as she said, least among the little ones. 'So yo' want to know haa aw geet hand o' my missus, dun yo', Mr. Penrose? Well, if hoo'll nobbud be quiet while aw'm abaat it, aw'll tell yo'.

'Nowe nobbud unless they're like Ab' o' th' Heights, who awlus swore a bit i' his prayers, because, as he said, swearin' wur mighty powerful. But him as swore just naa is Oliver hissel I'll lay mi Sunday hat on't.

Penrose, that's whod I wur comin' to. I'm noan a fancy talker like yo'. Aw never larned to be, and I'm noan paid to be. Whod I wur baan to say, if you'll nobbud let me, wur this: As Jesus Christ wur a deal more particular who He leet in than who He kept aat. That's all. 'But who did He keep out? asked Dr. Hale. 'Haa mony, thinksto, did He leet in, doctor?

There's some fo'k think they can eyt their cake and hev it. But th' Almeety doesn't bake bread o' that mak'. He helps them as helps theirsels. He gay' five to th' chap as bed five, and him as bed nobbud one, and did naught wi' it why, He tuk it fro' him, didn't He? I'll tell yo' what it is, Mr. Penrose, there's a deal o' worldly wisdom i' providence. Naa come, isn't there? Mr. Penrose laughed.

But thaa cornd mend it wi' swearin' thaa nobbud makes bad worse by adding thy oaths to his roguery. 'Oaths, mother! Oaths didsto say? I can tell thee th' Almighty sometimes thinks more o' oaths than prayers. Owd Moses'll say his to-neet but my oaths'll get to heaven faster. 'Hooisht, Jim! hooisht! ne'er mind Moses and his prayers. What did he say about th' mortgage?

Who else should it be, thinksto? 'Nay, I knew it were noabry but thee; but one mun say summat, thaa knows. What arto doin' at th' winder? Has th' hens getten in th' garden agen? 'Nowe, not as aw con see. 'Then what arto lookin' at? 'I'm nobbud lookin' aat a bit. It's a bonny seet and o', I can tell thee. 'Thaa's sin' it mony a time afore, lad, hesn't ta? Is there aught fresh abaat it?

And so saying, Malachi drew his chair to the fire, and blew a cloud of tobacco-smoke towards the rows of oat-cakes that hung on the brade fleygh over his head. 'It's forty year sin' I furst wore shoe-leather i' Rehoboth, Mr. Penrose. 'Nay, lad, it's noan forty year whol Candlemas. It were February, thaa knows, when thaa come; and it's nobbud October yet.

What con they be doin' aat o' th' pit at this time? They're noan off the shift afore ten, and it's nobbud hawve-past six. In another moment the door of the cottage was thrown open and a collier entered, white with falling snow, and breathless. When he had sufficiently recovered, he said: 'Gronny, little Job Wallwork's getten crushed in th' four-foot, and it's a'most up wi' him.

'I've sin th' birds pool th' daawn off their breasts to line th' nest for their young uns. And why shouldn't th' angels do th' same for us? Mi faither says as haa snow is th' earth's lappin', and keeps all th' seeds warm, and mak's th' land so as it 'll groo. So I thought happen it wur th' way God feathered aar nest for us. Dun yo' see? It's nobbud my fancy. 'And a beautiful fancy, too, Milly.

But thaa knows hoo's fretted and prayed and worrited hersel a deal abaat thee for mony a year. And if hoo deed afore th' child were born we sud ne'er forgive aarsels. 'Thaa'rt mebbe reet, lad. It'll pleaz her to know, and hoo's bin a good mother to thee. 'Yi. Hoo's often said as if hoo could nobbud be a gron'mother hoo'd say, as owd Simeon said, "Mine een hev sin Thy salvation."

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