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"How fortunate it was we happened to be passing just as it was going on. I wouldn't have missed seeing that lovely lavender satin the bride wore for worlds; did you notice the cut of the jacket front, Vera; it was something new; she looked as happy as possible too. I daresay her first marriage was a coup manqué; they generally are when women marry again."

"But," Karen said, looking closely at him, and with a smile, "you would not care to pass your life with them. And you were quite disturbed lest I should say that I wanted to go and take the Lippheims by surprise at Leipsig. You like les gens du monde better than artists, Gregory." "What are you?" Gregory smiled back at her. "I like you better." "I? I am gens du monde manqué and artiste manqué.

"Passe" was a row of numbers from 19 to 36 inclusive; while a row of numbers from 1 to 18 inclusive was known as "Manque." But what had that to do with me? I had not noticed I had not so much as heard the numbers upon which the previous coup had fallen, and so took no bearings when I began to play, as, in my place, any SYSTEMATIC gambler would have done.

When will you learn that I am master?... I have not tired of you yet, you lovely little wild thing, garcon manque.... You say she is cowed; I say she is content content to give me everything I ask of her.... For four months she has fought me. Why does it give me no pleasure to have broken her at last? Why do I want her still? She is English and I have made her pay for my hatred of her cursed race.

Charnock Poynsett has to think of la belle mere." "She has given up the management of all matters of society to me," said Cecil with dignity; "you may reckon on me." "No hope of the Bowaters, of course," said Mrs. Duncombe. "Miss Bowater is coming to stay with us," volunteered Cecil. "To be near that unlucky Life Guardsman manque," said Mrs. Duncombe.

Every small educational community has its scholar manque its haunter of academic shades or its intermittent dabbler in their charms; and Basil Randolph held that role in Churchton.

Madame de Sevigne observes, that there are few people sufficiently candid, or sufficiently enlightened, to distinguish, in their judgments of others, between those faults and mistakes which proceed from manque d'esprit, and those which arise merely from manque d'usage.

I am only an ignorant girl, half bourgeoise, half peasant, monsieur, but I have my woman's knowledge and I know there is a difference between you and the others. You are a son of good family. It is evident. You have a delicacy of mind and of feeling. You were not born to be a soldier." "Mademoiselle Jeanne," cried Doggie, "do I appear as bad as that? Do you take me for an embusqué manqué?"

It is told of her also that when one of her children asked for some water in summer, between meals, she replied: "Mon enfant, vous ne serez jamais qu'un etre manque, une pygmee, si vous prenez ces habitudes-la, pensez, mon petit coeur, au fiel de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ, et vous aurez le courage d'attendre le diner." She had learned for herself the strength of going without.

Aunt Bel agreed with Lady Jocelyn that she would have liked to know the mighty tailor. Mrs. Shorne but very imperceptibly protested against the notion, and from one to another it ran. His Grace of Belfield expressed positive approval of Mel as one of the old school. 'Si ce n'est pas le gentilhomme, au moins, c'est le gentilhomme manque, said Lady Jocelyn. 'He is to be regretted, Duke.