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He had not forgiven her, though he adored her, for being still Lady Markland, and though he lived at Markland with her, yet it was under a perpetual protest, to which in moments of excitement he sometimes gave utterance, but which even in silence she was always conscious of. His smouldering discontent burst forth on the occasion given him by this mariage manqué.

Thirty-one turned up. He won two carrés and let the table go once without staking. Ten was the next number. Immediately he placed the maximum on number fourteen, carrés and chevaux. Again the pause, again the croupier's voice. "Quatorze rouge, pair et manque!" Hunterleys showed no exultation and scarcely any surprise. He gathered in his winnings and repeated his stake.

Thus early, in all probability, Lord Auckland was disillusioned of the expectation that the effective restoration of Shah Soojah would be of light and easy accomplishment, but at least he could not afford to have the enterprise a coup manque when as yet it was little beyond its inception. The cost of the expedition was already, however, a strain, and the troops engaged in it were needed in India.

History prevents the introduction of Philip till the second scene of the third act. His entrance is manque; he merely accompanies Cardinal Pole, who takes command of the scene, and Philip does not get in a word till after a long conversation between the Queen and the Cardinal. Previously Philip had only crossed the stage in a procession, yet when he does appear he is bereft of prominence.

That gulden I staked upon manque and there is something in the feeling that, though one is alone, and in a foreign land, and far from one's own home and friends, and ignorant of whence one's next meal is to come, one is nevertheless staking one's very last coin! Well, I won the stake, and in twenty minutes had left the Casino with a hundred and seventy gulden in my pocket!

Aunt Bel agreed with Lady Jocelyn that she would have liked to know the mighty tailor. Mrs. Shorne but very imperceptibly protested against the notion, and from one to another it ran. His Grace of Belfield expressed positive approval of Mel as one of the old school. 'Si ce n'est pas le gentilhomme, au moins, c'est le gentilhomme manque, said Lady Jocelyn. 'He is to be regretted, Duke.

A voice at each table as she drew near or passed made some announcement. She caught the words distinctly yet not loudly pronounced: "Faites vos jeux, messieurs.... Rien n'va plus. Onze, noir, impair et manque." "Onze" was one of the numbers the French couple had decided to play.

"Yes," he answered; "for the present. We retire from the game. The fact of it is, it's a trifle too thin: this is a coup manqué." "A what?" Charles exclaimed, perspiring visibly. "A coup manqué," the young man replied, with a compassionate smile. "A failure, don't you know; a bad shot; a fiasco.