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'Tenez, ma fille, she would say, 'regardez dans ma garde-robe, et prenez autant que vous voudrez. She always spoke to me in French." Tynn wished there had been no French invented, so far as her comprehension was concerned.

The master of the ceremonies was shouting out his commands in bastard French: "Tournez!" "À votre place!" "Prenez la donne!" "Dansez toutes!" Eyes were sparkling, cheeks were flushing, lips were parting as gay activity created warmth in bodies and hearts. Then would come the tarantella, with Gaspare spinning like a top and tripping like a Folly in a veritable madness of movement.

Starting, turning, I met a face bent to encounter mine; a frowning, almost a shocked face it was. "Que faites-vous ici?" said a voice. "Mais, Monsieur, je m'amuse." "Vous vous amusez! et a quoi, s'il vous plait? Mais d'abord, faites- moi le plaisir de vous lever; prenez mon bras, et allons de l'autre cote." I did precisely as I was bid.

Chapter vii. 13. Quand quelque autre parle, prenez garde de donner suiet

Afrique was all curiosity what did they say? what did I say? as he placed before me a huge, a perfectly huge, an inexcusably huge plate of something more than lukewarm grease.... B. and I ate at a very little table in la cuisine, excitedly comparing notes as we swallowed the red-hot stuff.... "Du pain; prenez, mes amis," Afrique said.

Dominique! Prenez garde! Diable noir!" As to me, my thought was busy in a thousand ways. I sometimes gazed at the faces of my four companions, and endeavoured to discern the differences and samenesses between them. I took an exact account of the features, proportions, looks, and gestures of the monkey, the Congolese, and the Creole Gaul. I compared them together, and examined them apart.

Upon the whole, lay aside, during your year's residence at Paris, all thoughts of all that dull fellows call solid, and exert your utmost care to acquire what people of fashion call shining. 'Prenez l'eclat et le brillant d'un galant homme'. From hand to arms the transition is natural; is the carriage and motion of your arms so too?

After these national tributes had been paid, the Austrian gave us a very pretty little love-song, and the Frenchmen sang a spirited thing called "Sentinelle! O prenez garde a vous!" and then followed the melange which might have been expected.

Sure enough, all my saddles were piled before the Iroquois' wigwam; and there stood my enemy and the Sioux squaw, talking loudly, pointing to the horses and gesticulating with violence. "Mon Dieu! Prenez garde! Get you in!" muttered Louis. We were at his tent door, and I was looking back at my horses. "If they see you, all is lost," he warned. And the warning came just in time.

I did not bear the first view like a stoic; I was dazzled, my eyes fell, and in a voice somewhat too low I murmured "Prenez vos cahiers de dictee, mesdemoiselles." Not so had I bid the boys at Pelet's take their reading-books.