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Happily, my guide was sufficiently near to grasp my extended arms, and shouting: 'Prenez garde! prenez garde! Courage! courage! he sustained me until I recovered my balance.

Last night and early this morning I had an opportunity to inspect the bars of the cage in which I am confined. I happened to say before a superior officer that I was very desirous to see what was going on on the ramparts and in the forts at night, but that I had as yet been foiled in my endeavours to do so, when he told me that he would take me to both, provided in any account that I might give of them I would not mention localities, which might get him into trouble, or in general anything which might afford aid and comfort to the enemy. Of course I accepted his offer, and at eleven o'clock P.M. we started on horseback. We soon struck the Rue des Remparts, and dismounted. Along the top of the ramparts there was a line of sentinels. They were so numerous in some places that they almost touched each other. Every few minutes the cry, "Sentinelles, prenez gardé

It is astonishing with what unconcern mites of children romp and ramble through these corridors, where there is danger not only on account of pitfalls, but also of the roof falling in. Where I went, guided by a child of ten, every now and then I was warned "Prenez garde, c'est ecroule."

"She was trying to listen to what I was saying to the English girl Mademoiselle Flossie, she called herself, and when she went away with her friends she threw me a note with two words on it 'prenez garde! I know it struck me as being rather queer, because " He hesitated. The Duke nodded. "Go on!" he said.

O prenez garde a vous! and then followed the melange which might have been expected. When I left them, the aguardiente and annisou were pretty well in their heads, they were all singing and talking at once, and their peculiar national oaths were getting as plenty as pronouns. The next day, the two vessels got under way for the windward, and left us in quiet possession of the beach.

Je suis trop grosse peut-etre, mais pas trop romanesque. Au'voir, Monsieur merci prenez garde d'elle, Monsieur." She held up a fat warning finger. "Au'voir, Madame. A bientot." They left her bowing there against the background of the old bottle glass, lit yellow by the light within, her smiles following them down the street. "Well there you are," said Traill, as they walked away.

The little animal was very impetuous, and rattled down the steep, crowded streets of Quebec at a pace which threatened to entangle our wheels with those of numerous carts driven by apathetic habitans, who were perfectly indifferent to the admonitions "Prenez garde" and "Place aux dames," delivered in beseeching tones.

"Bien! bien!" interrupted I for all this chatter and circumlocution began to bore me very much; "I will consult M. Pelet, and the thing shall be settled as you desire. Good evening, mesdames I am infinitely obliged to you." "Comment! vous vous en allez deja?" exclaimed Madame Pelet. "Prenez encore quelquechose, monsieur; une pomme cuite, des biscuits, encore une tasse de cafe?"

Being seated at the table, do not scratch yourself, and if you can help it, do not spit, cough, or blow your nose; should either be necessary do it adroitly, with least noise, turning the face aside. 91st. Ne prenez pas vostre repas en gourmand.

"Vous prenez, ma chere fille, (says she) une fort honnete resolution d'aller