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To him she seemed something almost divine; and whenever her golden head and deep blue eyes peered out upon him from behind some dusky cotton-bale, or looked down upon him over some ridge of packages, he half believed that he saw one of the angels stepped out of his New Testament. Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where Haley's gang of men and women sat in their chains.

So, although the order was fairly given out in Haley's hearing, and carried to Aunt Chloe by at least half a dozen juvenile messengers, that dignitary only gave certain very gruff snorts, and tosses of her head, and went on with every operation in an unusually leisurely and circumstantial manner.

So he smiled with bland stupidity and nodded a foolish head. "What wages?" he inquired. "Fifty per," was the reply. "Where?" "Southeast of Dogville the Rafter H ranch." "The Rafter H, huh? I thought that was Haley's outfit." "I expect to buy out Haley," explained the stranger, smoothly. "My name's Harpe, Jack Harpe. What may I call you gents?... Dawson and Tunstall, eh?

Haley's a nice young man " "I've knowed him since ever he come inter this town," Mr. Day interrupted, with energy. "He's too smart ter do sech a thing, even if he was so inclined. You fellers seem ter think he's an idiot. What! steal them coins when he's the only person 'cept the janitor that's knowed to have a key to the school building? "Huh!" pursued Uncle Jason, with vast disgust.

Here the procession came to a stand, and I could perceive, by certain efforts around me, that some endeavor was making to enforce silence. "Whisht, there! Hould your prate! Be still, Paddy! Tear an' ages, Molly Blake, don't be holding me that way; let us hear his reverence. Put him up on the barrel. Haven't you got a chair for the priest? Run, and bring a table out of Mat Haley's.

She could not help feeling keenly the fact that everybody in Polktown did not respond at once to Nelson's need. That he should be accused of stealing the collection of coins was preposterous indeed. Yet Janice was sensible enough to know that there would be those in the village only too ready and willing to believe ill of the young schoolmaster. Nelson Haley's character was not wishy-washy.

"My evenings don't belong to anybody, if you need them, Jamie, and you don't have to be told that," I answered crossly when I thought what a grand time I might have been having talking about real things with the Crag, instead of wrestling with Polk's romantics or Sallie's and Mr. Haley's gush. "Go on and tell me all about it, while I crawl after you like a worm myself," I snapped still further.

Haley's affairs." "Yes!" gasped Janice, feeling that she was perilously near an untruth, for she was allowing 'Rill to deceive herself. "Will you put the window lamps out before you go, dear?" the storekeeper's wife said. "Certainly," Janice answered, and proceeded to do so before putting on her coat and hat. "Don't be long," 'Rill observed softly. "It's after eleven now."

I'm awfully glad that I didn't get a chance to answer, for I don't want to be responsible for the future failure or success of Mr. Haley's ministry. Just then Henrietta burst into the room with the Kitten in her arms. "Keep her for me, Evelina, please, ma'am," she said, with the dearest little chuckle, but not forgetting the polite "please," which Jane had had to suggest to her just once.

Who iss it?" he added with some impatience, turning upon the secretary again. "Oh, that's Haley's team and I guess that's his hired man, a young fellow just out from Scotland," replied the secretary indifferently. "I am no great judge of the pipes myself, but he strikes me as a crackajack and I shouldn't be surprised if he would make you all sit up."