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I'd remark, grabbin' him by the collar. "Whaddye think this is, a soap fact'ry? Leggo that shin-bone." "Gr-r-r-r!" he'd remark back, real hostile, and roll his eyes menacin'. At which Vee would snicker and observe: "Now isn't he the dearest thing to do that, Torchy? Do let him have his booful bone there. I'll spread a newspaper under it."

Then he drew a long breath. "I I didn't mean to insult you," he stammered. "Glad to hear it, I'm sure. If I were you, however, I should see a doctor for the other trouble." "And I ain't crazy, neither. I beg your pardon for hollerin' and grabbin' hold of you." "Granted." "Thank ye. Now," hesitatingly, "would you mind tellin' me why you asked me if I was married?" "Not in the least.

The first thing I knows he comes over to me, his jaw set firmer'n I ever see it shut before, and a kind of shifty look in his eyes. He hands me a letter and a package. "Torchy," says he, "take these down to that address just as soon as you can. You've got to go quick. Understand?" "Fourth speed, advanced spark, that's me!" says I, grabbin' my hat and coat. "Free track for the Piddie special!

The first thing he did was to remove the automatic revolver from the cowpuncher's chaps, the second to wind the rope tightly around his legs. Steve made no comment, asked no questions. He knew that he would find out all about it in time. Just now he was not running the show. "I expect your arms must be tired grabbin' at the stars. Drop 'em down clost to your sides. That's fine.

"No, sah," said Matthias, "I'm done bein' a slave jes now, an' ef you want to make me hit you I shall jes do it; fur you no bizness in de law specially tryin' to put it on a poor ole nigger who can't go by ye 'thout your grabbin' at him jes ready to kill, an' all kase you's done suthin' you's shamed of an' tinks he knows it. I'm gwine over to the groun' room." I feared Mr.

Dey used to take de marster's horses out at night an' ride 'em down. One Nigger, Sam, got dat mad at a mule for grabbin' at cotton he cut his tongue out. Course, Marster whupped him, but when he went to look for 'im 'bout a hour after, he foun' 'im soun' asleep. Said he ought to kill 'im, but he didn'. "When we was sick dey had a doctor for us jus' like dey done for deyse'ves.

"You forgot to mention, however, that you would need Miss Verona and Torchy to do the finding for you." Well, no need goin' into details, but that's how Vee and me happened to get counted in as reg'lar treasure hunters, to share and share alike. We was elected right on the spot. "And now," says Old Hickory, grabbin' up a spade from the bottom of the boat, "now we "

"'Oh, Dan! says Nell, grabbin' Dan's arm, 'I don't want that chicken hurt none! Can't you-all make 'em stop? "'Shore! says Dan, prompt to Nell's cry. 'I preevails on 'em to cease easy. "As Dan says this, that radiant cavalier is sweepin' upon the pore chicken like the breath of destiny. He's bendin' from the saddle to make a swoop as Dan speaks.

It were a pesky wind that kep' a-cuffin' me an' whistlin' in the briers on my face an' crackin' my coat-tails. I were lonesome lonesomer'n a he-bear an' the cold grabbin' holt o' all ends o' me so as I had to stop an' argue 'bout whar my bound'ry-lines was located like I were York State. Cat's blood an' gun-powder! I had to kick an' scratch to keep my nose an' toes from gittin' brittle."

A couple of hairpins works loose and drops to the floor. "Excuse me, Ma'am," says I, "but you're goin' to lose the inside of that French roll if you keep on." That fetched her out of it in a hurry. Grabbin' wild at her back hair, she sat up and faced us, with no signs at all of real weeps in her eyes. "I won't live in the country, I won't!" she states explosive. "Why, Mabel dear!" protests Mr.