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I can't stay long just ran away from business to bring 'em over; but I'd like Tweetie to stay in Italy until she learns the lingo. Sings, too Tweetie does; and she and Ma think they'll have her voice cultivated over here. They'll stay here quite a while, I guess." "Then you will not be here with them?" asked Mary Gowd. "Me? No." They sat silent for a moment.

"Think the five of us can pile into one carriage?" boomed Henry Gregg cheerily. "A little crowded, I think," said Mary Gowd, "for such a long drive. May I suggest that we three" she smiled on Henry Gregg and his wife "take this larger carriage, while Miss Eleanora and Signor Caldini follow in the single cab?" A lightning message from Blue Cape's eyes. "Yes; that would be nice!" cooed Tweetie.

And lang lang may the maidens sit, With their gowd combs in their hair, A' waiting for their ain dear loves, For them they'll see nae mair." "Betty," said a feeble little voice a child's voice, apparently quite close to the window now "I want you to say those two verses over again; I like them. And the one about the old moon with the new moon in her arms; isn't that pretty?"

But noo I'm auld, and weel I ken We're made alike o' gowd and mire; There's saft bits in the stievest men, The bairnliest's got a spunk o' fire. Sae hearken to me, lads, It's truth that I tell: There's nae man a' courage I ken by mysel'. I've been an elder forty year: I've tried to keep the narrow way: I've walked afore the Lord in fear: I've never missed the kirk a day.

I hae had mair gowd offered me within this twa or three weeks than I ever saw in my life afore.

Bailie Macwheeble was again tempted to put in his oar; for where cash was concerned he did not willingly remain silent. 'Perhaps he had better carry the gowd to Miss Mac-Ivor, in case of mortality or accidents of war. It might tak the form of a mortis causa donation in the young leddie's favour, and wad cost but the scrape of a pen to mak it out.

I met a man from Chicago here at the hotel. He and I are going to chin awhile this morning. And Mrs. Gregg and his wife are going on a shopping spree. Say, ma, if you need any more money speak up now, because I'm " Mary Gowd caught his coat sleeve. "One moment!" Her voice was very low. "You mean you mean Miss Eleanora will go to Tivoli and to the Colosseum alone with with Signor Caldini?"

"I shall prepare an omelet," she said over her shoulder in Italian. "Also, I have here bread and wine." "Ugh!" granted Tina. "Ugh, veal!" grunted Mary Gowd. Then, as Tina's flapping feet turned away: "Oh, Tina! Letters?" Tina fumbled at the bosom of her gown, thought deeply and drew out a crumpled envelope. It had been opened and clumsily closed again. Fifteen years ago Mary Gowd would have raged.

"D'ye see yon dandilly maiden," said Dame Gourlay, "a' glistenin' wi' gowd and jewels, that they are lifting up on the white horse behind that hare-brained callant in scarlet, wi' the lang sword at his side?" "But that's the bride!" said her companion, her cold heart touched with some sort of compassion "that's the very bride hersell!

"Now if the secret were mine," said the mendicant, "I wad stand out for a half; for you see, though I am but a puir ragged body, and couldna carry silver or gowd to sell for fear o' being taen up, yet I could find mony folk would pass it awa for me at unco muckle easier profit than ye're thinking on."