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"So Doubler's been gassing again?" he said with a sneer. "Well, there's never been any love lost between Doubler and me, and so what he says don't amount to much." He laughed oddly. "It's strange to think how thick you are with Doubler," he said. "I understand that your dad and Doubler ain't exactly on a friendly footing, that your dad was trying to buy him out and that he won't sell.

Of course I've heard all about you. you're going to be the biggest star in the musical firmament and here have I been gassing away about my little affairs just as though you were an ordinary mortal like myself." Diana was beginning to laugh at the boy's nonsense when Errington cut in quietly. "Then you've been making a great mistake, Jerry," he said.

But you'll have to do without me," rejoined Moran, considerably provoked by the other's domineering tone. "I will?" "Yes. I've got other things to do besides standing here gassing all day." "Indeed!" sneered Duncan. "Yes, indeed!" I enjoyed the scene. It looked very much as if there would be lively times without my aid. "You're getting up on your dignity mighty quick, Dan Moran."

One thing had already been amply proved this was the unmistakable fact that Oswald Kearns must be having one of his occasional brain sprees, the result of his wartime gassing when he was apt to tip over his balance and for the time being imagine himself beset by a myriad of bitter foes whom it was his duty, as well as privilege, to mow down, regardless of everything.

It was different when there was no other way. Now the railway is running I simply cannot imagine why you don't use it." "Well, that's easy because I like the ride." "You can't possibly like riding back on these pitch dark nights, cold and often wet. That's absurd." "Well, I like it a jolly sight better than fugging up in those carriages with all that gassing crowd of Garden Home fussers."

"Oh, that's all right." "No, but it really was awfully decent of you. You might have got into a frightful row. Were you nearly caught?" "Jolly nearly." "It was you who rang the bell, wasn't it?" "Yes, it was. But for goodness' sake don't go gassing about it, or somebody will get to hear who oughtn't to, and I shall be sacked." "All right. But, I say, you are a chap!" "What's the matter now?"

Sam irritably blew the lather from his lips, with milky small bubbles, and snorted, "Be a good thing for most of us roughnecks if we did have a smart woman to tell us how to fix up the town. Just as much to her kicking as there was to Jim Blausser's gassing about factories. And you can bet Mrs. Kennicott is smart, even if she is skittish. Glad to see her back." Dr. Westlake hastened to play safe.

In a few years he'll be playing for England, and you'll think it a favour if he nods to you in the pav. at Lord's. When you're a white-haired old man you'll go doddering about, gassing to your grandchildren, poor kids, how you 'discovered' M. Jackson. It'll be the only thing they'll respect you for." Wyatt stopped for breath. "All right," said Burgess, "I'll think it over.

So of course the citizen was only waiting for the wink of the word and he starts gassing out of him about the invincibles and the old guard and the men of sixtyseven and who fears to speak of ninetyeight and Joe with him about all the fellows that were hanged, drawn and transported for the cause by drumhead courtmartial and a new Ireland and new this, that and the other.

Sitting still and gassing again! O my! O my! O my!" He glanced back, and saw to his dismay that they were gaining on him. On he ran desperately, but kept looking back, and saw that they still gained steadily. He did his best, but he was a fat animal, and his legs were short, and still they gained. He could hear them close behind him now.