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"Say, Bellows, how many times have I got to tell you not to stand there gassing with patrons of the show? Every one don't want to bother with your theories and troubles." Ted turned, to face the boss showman. "Oh, it's you, Mr. Strong?" he went on. "I didn't recognize your back. It's all right to talk to you.

"I pulled bow at Keyham for two years, and in China " "If you stand there kagging we'll never get away," interposed the coxswain, "and the Commander will want to know who drank his cocoa. Bunje second stroke, James third stroke. Derreck, you're second bow, and Tweedledum third bow, and for heaven's sake sit down and stop gassing, all of you."

He's setting there now, gassing with a lot of the players, telling funny stories and the like. He looks as if he didn't have a trouble on earth. My taxi-cab bill is now, for last night and to-day, forty-six eighty-five. Shall I keep on him?" "No!" shouted the largest director. "Let him go to let him alone and come in."

"Well, we had talked enough together to let you into that much, eh, Hazon?" said Laurence, with a laugh which was not altogether free from a dash of scepticism. "We have. Still, I'm not gassing when I tell you I knew all about it before. How? you want to ask. Because I've been through it all myself. I thought, 'That chap is throwing his last card; if he loses, he's my man. And you have lost."

"I was thinking how ridiculous we all are," Hugo went on without change of tone or expression, "grovelling here on our stomachs and pretending that we slept when we didn't and that we want to be killed when we don't!" "White feather again!" Pilzer exclaimed. "Oh, shut up!" snapped the doctor's son irritably. "Let Hugo talk. He's only gassing.

I thought I'd rather be Gallagher than Red Red had to serve time once in a while. Soon as he got out I went down to Gallagher's saloon, and there was Red leaning over the bar. 'Here's a smart kid! he says, 'He and me were room-mates over in Hickory Street. He got to gassing me, and telling me I'd better come along with him, when Gallagher came in. 'What is it ye'd like to be, my son? says he.

"Julian," he said, "I know you area bit of a cynic about espionage and that sort of thing. Of course, there has been a terrible lot of exaggeration, and heaps of fellows go gassing about secret service jobs, all the way up the coast from here to Scotland, who haven't the least idea what the thing means.

The suggestion to bomb the Germans out was not practicable. Our guns were too few to cope with the powerful German artillery, although well served. Company Sergeant-Major De Harte came up from the trenches along with the ration party at eight o'clock and told me the story of the gassing and bombing in the morning.

I pushed the package across the table. "Great Scott, parson, here it is striking five o'clock, and you've been up all night!" he exclaimed, anxiously. "Here no more gassing. You come lie down on my bed and snooze a bit. I'll call you in plenty of time for mass." I was far too spent and tired to move across the garden to the Parish House.

"See here," he said, "were you gassing about that young lady? There ain't no young lady now, is there?" "I told you" with some superiority of manner "she is not a young lady; she is a working girl, an emigrant's " "Oh, Glorianna!" he broke out, "girl or lady, what does it matter to me? Do you mean to say you've really lost her?" The question was appalling to Bates.