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I seem to have been living one gigantic lie all the past week." "Well, you have, you know," Bill granted. "By gum, you have! But you aren't now. You didn't steal this cat. You found it just as anyone else might have found it. All I tell you is: Don't say anything about the Rose. Don't open your mouth, in fact. Leave the gassing to me."

He didn't like the sing-songs, and so he went down with pneumonia. I rootled round the camp, and found Tertius gassing about as a D.A.Q.M.G., which, God knows, he isn't cut out for. Tertius volunteered like a shot, and we settled it with the authorities, and out we went forty Pathans, Tertius, and me, looking up the road-parties.

"Dishing up the dirt to the young master can scarcely be described as gassing all over the place," I said, with a touch of rebuke. "Anyway, there it is. I know all. And I should like to begin," I said, sinking my personal opinion that the female in question was a sloppy pest in my desire to buck and encourage, "by saying that Madeline Bassett is a charming girl.

During the last few weeks before the armistice, he succumbed to gassing and was invalided; though, before that, he had also been out of action from shell shock for two months. He made light of this; but I felt there was really something different about him and suspected that the shell shock accounted for the change.

"Claremont was gassing away about Browning the other day, and said that he believed that in heaven you could do all the things you wanted to do on earth! And by Jove I would have a hot time some place, heaven!" "By Jove, yes; but you know, Bradford, there won't be much left for you to do in heaven; at the rate you are going you will have done most things on earth."

And you walk up to him and stick out your hand while he's gassing with somebody, and there's that smile on your face that says: "I know you but you don't know me," and he takes it in a limp sort of fashion, and starts to say: "You have the advantage of " when, all of a sudden, he grabs your hand as if he were going to jerk your arm out of its socket and beat you over the head with the bloody end, and shouts out: "Why, HELLO, Billy!

Constance sprang up, seizing a knife. "You shouldn't tease your mother," Sophia told him. "He doesn't really want any, Constance; he's regularly stuffed himself." And Cyril agreed, "No, no, mater, don't cut it; I really couldn't. I was only gassing." But Constance could never clearly see through humour of that sort. She cut three slices of cake, and she held the plate towards Cyril.

Twenty bucks to the pastor, just like that! Then you can pick out another job and I'll hold it down for you. Bet your life I will Oh here, Marylin this way quick!" "Getaway, why did you turn down this street so all of a sudden? This isn't my way home." "It's only a block out of the way. Come on! Don't stand gassing."

"There's something a great deal worse," said Meldon. "Did you hear what Doyle said to me a few minutes ago?" "I heard him asking for the loan of my car cushions. I don't particularly want to lend them, but I shouldn't regard his getting them as a catastrophe at all to be compared to the earthquake and all the other things you were gassing about."

"As soon as things are fixed up I'll buy a good second-hand thirty-ton boat, and you and I and Tommy will go off for a six months' cruise. We'll take Mr. Gow as skipper, and your little page-boy as steward, and we'll run down to the Mediterranean and stop there till people are tired of gassing about us." "That will be beautiful," said Joyce simply.