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"Ain't it snug? and there's no gamblin' agoin' on there," remarked Molloy, as they returned to their table; "that's not allowed nor drinkin', nor card-playin', but that's all they putt a stop to. She's a wise woman is Miss Robinson. She don't hamper us wi' no rules. Why, bless you, Jack ashore would never submit to rules! He gits more than enough o' them afloat. No; it's liberty hall here.

"I expect you're going to tell me now that Sanson T. Wrangler got foolin' around in some low down gamblin' saloon and lost that pile of dollars over a game of poker. What?" "No," continued Isa, "that wasn't the way of it; though I allow he was in Brierley's saloon Saturday night, boastin' to his friends about how he'd rounded up the cash, and had locked it away in his iron safe back of the store.

"He sure ain't no puncher," commented Bert. "No, but I'm gamblin' that he's goin' to be," retorted Curly, ignoring the reference to Patches' culture. "Me, too," agreed Bob. "Well, we'll all try him out this fall rodeo"; and "better not let him drift far from the home ranch for a while," laughed the visitors. "So long!" and they were away.

Jard Hardman is in everythin'. Minin', ranchin', an' I've heard he's gone in for this wild horse chasin'. That's the newest boom around Marco. But Hardman has big interests here in town. It's rumored he's back of the Yellow Mine, the biggest saloon an' gamblin' hell in town." "Well, I'll be doggoned," ejaculated Pan thoughtfully. "Things turn out funny. You can show me that place presently.

"He says there ain't to be no stick-ups, no gamblin', no bootleggin', no pocket pickin', no house jobs, no bunko stuff, no nothin' and dat goes. Da first bird dat tries workin' is gonna be run outa town, see?" "Where do you pick up that information, Murphy?" Brennan asked. "Well, da 'Gink' don't tell me poisonally, see? But I gets it straight, see?

Drinkin's all very well if a man wants Dutch courage, but I don't want it no, nor French courage, nor German, nor Chinee, havin' got enough o' the article home-growed to sarve my purpus. When that's used up I may take to drinkin' who knows? Same wi' gamblin'. I've no desire to bust up any man, an' I don't want to be busted up myself, you bet.

"Ah, Nick, you sure ain't the man you was in Buck's time; gamblin', drinkin', hidin' your guilty face behind a mask, afraid when a harmless visitor knocks at your door. What d'you suppose Buck would have thought of you? What d'you expect me myself to think?" "Dunno," said Nick ashamedly. "Th' ain't many men along this yer trail like Buckskin Jack an' you, Kiddie.

Grandfather isn't here, so I can't get any from him. Let me take what you have for a day or two, Sandy, and I'll return it with good interest." "Now, Mistuh Tom," said Sandy seriously, "I don' min' lettin' you take my money, but I hopes you ain' gwine ter use it fer none er dem rakehelly gwines-on er yo'n, gamblin' an' bettin' an' so fo'th.

"Yes, on Spruce Street." "Poor fellow!" said Frank, compassionately. "Oh, 'twas a bully bed full of straw! I slept like a top." "Don't you earn enough to pay for a room, Dick?" "Yes," said Dick; "only I spend my money foolish, goin' to the Old Bowery, and Tony Pastor's, and sometimes gamblin' in Baxter Street."

If you told him I was proud of him, I almost believe you could get a bet out of him, sick as he is of gamblin'." "Has he suspected anything?" "Sure, not! Why, he just thanked me about an hour ago fur savin' him made me shake hands with him and I could see the tears back in his eyes." The old man chuckled. "It was like Len Carey's Nigger Jim.