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On hearing this they all shouted out as before, denouncing Senor Gab as a traitor, a spy, a barefaced hypocrite, and bestowing a good many other unsavoury epithets upon him. "Silence, my friends," again said my father; "I must sift this matter to the bottom. You have behaved faithfully in bringing him back, and I am thankful to you.

"I was down well clear of ye and waiting for ye." "Then how come ye under my bleedin' feet. Mind yer eye now, or the two of 'em'll be down on us. That mate is a bad un, I tell ye, Bucky bad as the nigger in the Southern Cross. No end of trouble with him, if ye remember as I do." "Aw, stow the gab," whispered Buckrow, "We're working now. Mind what yer about. I've got another gun from Thirkle."

I know what Gab Bearse Much obliged for that name, Jed; 'Gab's' the best name on earth for that critter I know what Gab came in here to talk about. 'Twas about me and my bein' put on the Exemption Board, of course. That was it, wan't it? Um-hm, I knew 'twas. I was the 'this' in his 'this and that. And Phin Babbitt was the 'that'; I'll bet on it. Am I right?" Winslow nodded.

"Hannar Amander said de young man must be cared for, dat de good Lor would hold us 'countable if we let him suffer, so we gab him our bed, shared our little hoe-cake and rye coffee wid him, and Susan Matildar, my darter, and my wife dressed de wound as how de surgeon would tell us. But after about five days de surgeon shook his head and told de Captain he couldn't lib.

"Don't ye so much as open yer gab," he muttered, "or I'll hit ye with this!" The steel hook was held up dangerously near her face, and the threat of it rendered her dumb. "Yer pappy be a playin' me dirt, and I won't let him. Ye're goin' to be my woman, if I has to kill ye! See?" No sign of help came to the girl from the tug, nor dared she force a cry from her lips.

The tramp gave over his work of folding, and awkwardly and cumbersomely got upon his feet. "You take off that coat and hand it over. It's mine I found it. I can stand a crazy man's gab, but when any one tries to do me out of what's my own I'll fight." "May I ask what you're going to do with these garments of a gentleman which have fallen into your hands by accident?"

"Aren't you afraid you'd get seasick, Aleck?" asked Sam. "I ain't afraid ob muffin, if only yo'll take me along," answered the darkey earnestly. "I suppose the steam yacht has its cook." "Dat might be, Massa Sam, but didn't I cook all right on dot houseboat?" "You certainly did." "Might be as how I could gab dot cook on de yacht seem p'ints as to wot yo' young gen'men like, ain't dot so?"

The younger sort were greatly taken wi' his gifts and his gab; but auld, concerned, serious men and women were moved even to prayer for the young man, whom they took to be a self-deceiver, and the parish that was like to be sae ill supplied.

Will you retract your gift of its empty houses to the Ravens?" "No. My instructions were not to besiege Gab. It surrendered before they reached me, and I shall leave it to the soldiery. As for you and me, we must hasten to Embrun to try to break the seal of my cousin's impassible countenance, and read a few of his thoughts. Did I not tell you that we would march no farther than Embrun?"

"Of course it would not," I returned. "But what do the other Englishmen think of it?" "Why, I fancy they don't much care, one way or t'other," answered Enderby. "Ye see, sir, they're an ignorant lot, and can easy be talked over by chaps with the gift of the gab, like Svorenssen and Van Ryn.