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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Some one has evidently been talking to you." "Ain't denying that, Mack. There's plenty of 'em in this burg that's ready to talk, and I'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind, not to get some of the gab. The doctor told more than he ought, I guess." "It might pay him to take a few lessons in keeping his mouth closed," impatiently commented Mr. McGowan. "I know, Mack.

Mason did encourage him. On the eve of the trial he went down to Alston with Kenneby and Bolster; and Mr. Moulder, at the express instance of Kenneby, accompanied them. "What can I do? I can't stop the fellow's gab," Moulder had said. But Kenneby pleaded hard that some friend might be near him in the day of his trouble, and Moulder at last consented. "I wish it was me," Mrs.

"Listen," said Pedro, in a low voice, and with a nod of intelligence. "It's a queer story," continued Jim. "I heard all about it this very mornin' from himself. He'd bin givin' some on us a lot o' good advice. You see, he's a sort of edicated chap, an' got a tremendjous gift o' the gab, but none of us could take offence at 'im, for he's such a quiet, modest feller although he is big!

"Whew!" puffed Captain Zeb, mopping his forehead. "How be you, Keziah? What? You ain't all alone! Thought you'd have a cabin full of gab machines by this time. Have they been and gone?" "No, they haven't been. I My land, my pie!" She rushed into the kitchen and snatched the pastry from the oven. Her new caller followed her. "So they ain't been, hey?" he said. "That's queer." "Elkanah's here.

She was both ashamed and amused, ashamed of their ill-breeding and amused by their useless bickering. "Wa-al," said her aunt, yawning and lowering herself upon the kitchen couch, the springs of which squeaked complainingly under her weight, "Wa-al, 'tain't scurcely wuth doin' the dishes now. Jason'll stop and gab 'ith some one. It takes him ferever an' a day ter git a pail o' water.

Gab kept out of his eye though, as he had served the States against England, and was a deserter to boot; and he sent us word directly, that we might know of his being here, though it does not concern us a rope's end. 'So, then, really, and in sober earnest, he is actually in this country, Hatteraick, between friend and friend? asked Glossin, seriously. 'Wetter and donner, yaw!

Twenty tailors take the stitches, Plenty of women wear the breeches, Heigh ho, Carrion crow!" And this: "Gibbery, gibbery gab, The women had a confab And demanded the rights To wear the tights. Miss Anthony left home on Christmas Day, 1854, and held her first meeting at Mayville, Chautauqua Co., the afternoon and evening of the 26th.

Lawyer Ed gave a cheer when he was through, and Archie Blair quoted Burns: "Now, Robinson, harrangue na mair, But steek your gab forever, Or try the wicked town of Ayr, For there they'll think you clever."

There's a nice cool spot under these laurels; I'll stake out Pepita, and we'll just lie off there and gab, and not care if school keeps or not." "But you know you ain't really Jim Belcher," said the boy shyly. "I'm as good a man as he is any day, whoever I am," said the stranger, with humorous defiance, "and can lick him out of his boots, whoever HE is. That ought to satisfy you.

"Yes, I I promised Miss Chuckie to try to forget the past. But when I think of what I lost, all because of him " "So-o!" considered the cowman. "Maybe there's more in what Kid says than I thought. He's been cross-questioning Blake all day. You know how little Kid is given to gab. But from the time we started off he kept after Blake like he was cutting out steers at the round-up."

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