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Ryn Jin then dressed himself in his robes of ceremony, and went out to welcome him. In a few moments the Princess Tayotama and the Happy Hunter reached the entrance, and the Sea King and his wife bowed to the ground and thanked him for the honor he did them in coming to see them.

"I said dot it vas no dream; for shoost vot happened to Svorenssen, the same thing happened to me," answered Van Ryn, speaking for himself. "Well, of course, that was very remarkable," I agreed. "Still, it could have been only a dream, since you found yourselves, I understand, in the cave and on your own beds in the morning." "Yah, dot vas so," assented Van Ryn.

"I must apologize for all the trouble I am giving you by my unexpected visit." And he bowed again, and thanked the Sea King. "You need not thank me," said Ryn Jin. "It is I who must thank you for coming. Although the Sea Palace is a poor place, as you see, I shall be highly honored if you will make us a long visit."

But the miller, to be in the growing fashion, had called himself Van Ryn of the Rhine and thus, later on, Rembrandt also signed himself. Harmen was well-to-do; he owned houses in Leyden, and beyond the walls, gardens, and fields, and the mill where Rembrandt, because he once drew a mill, was supposed to have been born.

On the following morning I resumed work upon the cutter; and I thought that Van Ryn and Svorenssen looked somewhat disconcerted when, in accordance with my arrangement with Bowata, a party of ten sturdy natives arrived at the shipyard about 8 a.m. in the Chinese boat I had given them, to lend us a hand as and when required.

The next of these northern painters who can claim the first rank is he who is in some respects the greatest of all from a painter's standpoint, Rembrandt van Ryn. There is little of the primitive Italian here, little of the painter who worships his Madonna through the medium of his craft as some great lady, "empress of heaven and of earth."

"Well," said I to Billy, as we turned away to retrace our steps to the house, our bath completely forgotten, "this reappearance of Svorenssen and Van Ryn is a surprise, and not altogether an agreeable one at that.

"That is very strange," said I, "for whenever I was cruising in the lagoon I always kept an eye on the shore." "Then you moost 'ave been lookin' out abeam, or ahead, not astarn, vhere I 'appened to be," declared Van Ryn. "Possibly," I agreed, for I saw that the man was in an aggressively disputatious humour, and I wanted to have no words with him. "Well, what happened after that?

"And," said the younger maiden, who at last found her tongue, "I am her sister, the Princess Tamayori." "Are you indeed the daughters of Ryn Jin, the King of the Sea? I cannot tell you how glad I am to meet you," said the Happy Hunter. And without waiting for them to reply he went on: "The other day I went fishing with my brother's hook and dropped it, how, I am sure I can't tell.

In falling I must have stunned myself, for I remember nothing more of what happened that night, but and this I consider the most extraordinary part of the whole adventure when I awoke next morning I found myself back in the cave again, lying upon my grass bed, with Dirk close alongside." "Ah!" I commented, "quite a queer dream. What had Van Ryn to say about it? I suppose you mentioned it to him?"