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But Millicent turned to them with such gentle command in her gaze that they could offer no protest. "Come back in half an hour, if you are ready," she said. Upon Anna, whose baffled look followed her up the flagging between the close-clipt lawns, there came the feeling that she was leaving her cousin alone with the beloved dead. "Now what " began Brockton, in full-toned protest, "what the "

All this in the twinkling of an eye. Meanwhile, misled by my words, Gilbertine drew back a step, and, with her face still bright with the radiance I have mentioned, murmured in low, but full-toned accents: "Not just yet; it is too soon. Let me simply enjoy the fact that I am free, and that the courage to win my release came from my own suddenly acquired trust in Mr. Sinclair's goodness.

Applying the trumpets to their lips, they sent forth a tremendous, though not uniform, blast. The surrounding crowd, who expected something, but knew not what, replied with a cheer not unmixed with laughter, for the two trumpets, after the manner of asses, had to make some ineffectual preliminary efforts before achieving a full-toned bray.

Tall and stout, holding high her fifty-year-old head with its gray curls, she stood surveying the guests, and leisurely arranged her wide sleeves as if rolling them up. Marya Dmitrievna always spoke in Russian. "Health and happiness to her whose name day we are keeping and to her children," she said, in her loud, full-toned voice which drowned all others.

Besides losing all nerve, I had a very queer voice, which every one remarked. However, tonight I made an effort in my old favourite, "Three Fishers Went Sailing". The beauty of the full-toned Ronisch piano, and Everard's clever and sympathetic accompanying, caused me to forget my audience, and sing as though to myself alone, forgetting that my voice was odd.

Zara gave me a beautiful room next to her own; she had taken pains to fit it up herself with everything that was in accordance with my particular tastes, such as a choice selection of books; music, including many of the fascinating scores of Schubert and Wagner; writing materials; and a pretty, full-toned pianette.

At last the shadow disappeared. The book fell. With a ringing scrape the cone rose in the air and the voice of "Wilbur" came from it life-like almost full-toned, and with a note of humorous exultation running through it. "I told you I'd astonish you!" he said. "Don't get in a hurry; there's more coming." For nearly two hours thereafter this "spirit voice" kept us all interested and busy.

Jason Vandervelde appeared at half after ten o'clock every morning during his client's convalescence, was immediately admitted to Mr. Champney's room, and left it upon the stroke of eleven. Nancy watched this man curiously. When he met her in the hall, he spoke to her in a nice, full-toned, modulated voice, exceedingly pleasing to the ear.

Sarah Purfoy laughed a low, full-toned laugh, whose sound made Blunt's pulse take a jump forward, and sent the blood tingling down to his fingers ends. "Captain Blunt," said she, "you're going to do a very silly thing." He came close to her and tried to take her hand. "What?" She answered by another question. "How old are you?" "Forty-two, if you must know." "Oh!

His eyes met Emilia's, gravely widening. "I I'm very sorry," he broke down: "upon my soul, I am!" The old man went to the mantel-piece and leaned his elbow before the glass. Emilia's bosom began to rise again. She was startled to hear him laugh. A slight melancholy little burst; and then a louder one, followed by a full-toned laughter that fell short and showed the heart was not in it.