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Updated: August 28, 2024

I say de b'ilers is full, my dear frien's. "Full o' what? Whar do dey git water ter run dis gorspil train? Dis heah's been a mighty dry season, an' de cotton-fiel's is a-beggin' now fur water, an' I say whar do de salvation train git water fur de ingine? "Oh, my po' sinner-frien's, does you want me ter tell yer?

"In the firs' place," one said though the best place he could seize was the seventeenth "firs' place of all competition! My frien's, we cannot hope to nig-otiate with that North in the old manner which we are proud, a few of us yet, to con-tinue in the rue Royale. Every publisher " Mme. Castanado had a quotation that could not wait: "We got to be 'wise like snake' an' innocent like pigeon'!"

The inference was plain, and the Citizen Quartermaster was quick to take it up. "We are all among frien's," said he. "Why I call you Gumbo de St. Gre? When I come first settle in Louisiane you was wild man yes. Drink tafia, fight duel, spend family money. Aristocrat then. No, I not hold my tongue. You go France and Monsieur le Marquis de St. Gre he get you in gardes du corps of the King.

"Any side thet you're a mind to." "On which side is the channel?" "Sometimes on one side, sometimes t' other." "Which side do you consider best?" "I aint 'tendin' t' other people's business." "Which side do the steamboats take?" "Its owin' to what captain's on." "Wouldn't you kindly advise me which side to take?" "Reckon I bes' not." "Why?" "Frien's o' mine on both sides wants to see you."

My place'll be in de front hall ter mix mint-juleps fo' 'im en his frien's fum de city when dey skeet by in deir automobiles en stop over fer er smoke en er howdy-do. He gwine ter order me er long-tail, jimswingin' blue coat. He done say dat he'll look ter me ter keep you-all's j'ints oiled up so yo' won't walk in yo' sleep so much in de day-time." "Go 'long, yo' fool nigger!"

An old man and a girl. They are my friends, Kish Taka. Kish Taka nodded. 'My frien's, he said simply. 'The other thing, said Howard. 'Kish Taka, hungry, killed my calves. He left gold. When again Kish Taka is hungry, let him kill as many calves as he pleases. But let him keep his gold. Again the Indian nodded. And this time Howard let him go.

Maybe you right, my frien's settin' down by de do', an' my frien's leanin' 'gins' de choir banisters, an' I ain' gwine say no mo'. I was lookin' fur you ter come up wid some sort o' wheel, an' maybe a silver wheel ter match dat watch-chain hangin' out'n yo' waistcoat-pocket; but maybe you right! "When a man set still an' say nothin' while de voice is a callin' I reck'n he knows what he's a-doin'.

'Ony frien' o' yours, laddie, she replied, qualifying her words only with the addition 'gin he be a frien'. Whaur is he noo? 'He's up at Miss Naper's. 'Hoots! What for didna ye fess him in wi' ye? Betty! 'Na, na, grannie. The Napers are frien's o' his. We maunna interfere wi' them. I'll gang up mysel' ance I hae had my brakfast. 'Weel, weel, laddie. Eh! I'm blythe to see ye!

'T war 'stonishin', kem ter think of it, how 'Fambly' hed the insurance ter grow up ter look like folks, let alone settin' out ter run fur office; an' ef God hedn't raised 'em up some mighty good frien's in this county, I reckon thar wouldn't be much o' 'Fambly' left.

"I knows a man," replied the guard reflectively, "who might do it on my recommend. Sometimes, w'en a man aint got no frien's, but kin lay aroun' 'im an' scoop tergedder a couple er hundred dollars, I mention him ter my frien' wid a recommend, an' dat settles it, out he comes." "Two hundret tollaire!" cried Tulitz, almost piteously.

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