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Bony-nose I I mean Mr. Bernstein, wrote it for us in dog-Latin. Isn't it a lark? Thick, black lines, tell him. He was a good dog and only bit one boy in his life." "All right. I'll see to it," old Four-Eyes assured him with answering huskiness. "What says he?" helplessly inquired Moses, addressing himself to the newcomer. "Isn't it a sad case, Mr. Coleman?" said the matron, in a low tone.

"He was painted by Sir William Ross, and I sell him for two hundred pounds, my Captain. Not a penny less, or I'm a ruined man!" "The Jew a ruined man! Hark at him! Four-Eyes" this to a great lanky fellow who lay asleep in the corner "the little Jew can't sell 'em under two hundred, I reckon; oh, certainly not; why, of course.

But if the night was disturbed, pleasant was the waking next morning; pleasant the surprise at finding that the whistling and howling air-bath of the night had not given one a severe cold, or any cold at all; pleasant to slip on flannel shut and trousers shoes and stockings were needless and hurry down through a stampede of kicking, squealing mules, who were being watered ere their day's work began, under the palms to the sea; pleasant to bathe in warm surf, into which the four-eyes squattered in shoals as one ran down, and the moment they saw one safe in the water, ran up with the next wave to lie staring at the sky; pleasant to sit and read one's book upon a log, and listen to the soft rush of the breeze in the palm- leaves, and look at a sunrise of green and gold, pink and orange, and away over the great ocean, and to recollect, with a feeling of mingled nearness and loneliness, that there was nothing save that watery void between oneself and England, and all that England held; and then, when driven in to breakfast by the morning shower, to begin a new day of seeing, and seeing, and seeing, certain that one would learn more in it than in a whole week of book-reading at home.

"Well, Benjy," she said, for his imagination was breaking down. "I'll give you a dowry and you'll get married. See!" he concluded triumphantly. "Oh, but suppose I shan't want to get married?" "Nonsense every girl wants to get married. I overheard Old Four-Eyes say all the teachers in the girls' department were dying to marry him. I've got several sweethearts already, and I dare say you have."

A tide-pool close by was enclosed in pitch: a four-eyes was swimming about in it, staring up at us; and when we hunted him, tried to escape, not by diving, but by jumping on shore on the pitch, and scrambling off between our legs.

"We do?" cried Black, who jumped from his seat and ran up the companion-way to confirm the tale, and he shouted down to us, "Crack another bottle, if it's the last, and give it to the nigger; we're leaving them!" His elation was contagious. "Four-Eyes" awoke from his lethargy, and drank a pint of the wine at a draught. The nigger put out a glass with a satisfied leer.

Then the Wolf was afraid, and she asked: "Who are the friends who will come with you? Tell me their names." The wise Goat said: "I will bring the two Hounds, Old Gray and Young Tan, and that fine big dog called Four-Eyes. And I will ask each of them to bring his mate." The Wolf waited to hear no more. She turned, and away she ran back to her mate. The Goat never saw either of them again.

Moses wore a dirty red scarf below his untrimmed beard, his clothes were greasy, his face had not yet been washed, and for a climax he had not removed his hat, which other considerations than those of etiquette should have impelled him to keep out of sight. "I thought you were old Four-Eyes," the boy murmured in confusion "Wasn't he here just now?" "Go and fetch Mr.

The foremost ironclad crept up minute by minute; and before we had realised the whole extent of the mishap, she was within gunshot of us; but her colleagues were some miles away, she outpacing them all through it. "Bedad, she signals to us to let her come aboard," said "Four-Eyes," who watched her intently.

The former means merely Master Four-eyes, referring to my glasses. The precise meaning of the latter is a matter much disputed between myself and Billy. An N'goma is a native dance, consisting of drum poundings, chantings, and hoppings around. On the other hand, Billy, with true feminine indirectness, insists that it means "The Master who Shouts and Howls." I leave it to any fairminded reader.