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Ben wuz so 'stonish' dat he couldn' hoi' de boy, who slipped out'n his ban's an run to'ds de house ez fas' ez his legs would tote 'im. "Po' Ben kep' gittin' wus an' wus mixed up. He couldn' make out fer de life er 'im w'at could be de matter. Nobody didn' 'pear ter wanter own 'im.

He says that he determined to get rich 'per fas aut nefas', because he observed that money was everything, and that most persons plotted and laboured for power merely to be enabled to gather treasure, though, after they had obtained both, much above their desert and expectation, instead of being satiated or even satisfied, they bustled and intrigued for more, until success made them unguarded and prosperity indiscreet, and they became with their wealth the easy prey of rival factions.

The door opened, letting in the roar of the beach and smiting his small nostrils with sea-brine, that with one breath purged away the stuffy scent of leather. Manasseh was handing some one into the coach. "De child Mas' Richard if you'll tak' care, miss. He's fas' asleep, prob'ly." "But I'm not," said Dicky, sitting bolt upright and gathering his rugs about him. "Who is it?"

He tied Bernique's horse to a bush and drew the old man up the bluff. "Where have you been this time? Where is Piney? Hello! what's the matter with you anyhow? struck another lode?" Old Bernique spread out his palms avertingly. "You go fas'," he protested. "Wait, I beg. I have again had those exper-r-ience that so much disturb me.

"We go slow," Luis explained nervously because of the look in the black, unreadable eyes of this straight, slim Indian girl who was so beautiful and so silent. "They go muy fas', Ramon an' Beel. Poco tiempo sure, we fin' dem little soon." Annie-Many-Ponies did not betray by so much as a quiver of an eyelash that Luis had mentioned Bill unwittingly.

For some moments he sat gazing from the car window forgetting his luncheon-dreaming. When he got back to his compartment he rang vigorously for the porter. A coin was carelessly displayed in his fingers. "Do you suppose you could find out who has the next compartment, porter?" "I don't know their name, sub, but they's goin' to New York jis as fas' as they can git thuh.

Now the astronomers who separated from each other, and in so doing spoiled the old constellation-figures, seem to have despaired of freeing Ophiuchus from his entanglements. The Serpent is twined around his body, the Scorpion is clawing at one leg. The constellation makers have per fas et nefas separated Scorpio from the Serpent Holder, spoiling both figures.

He sincerely believed that every man strove to compass his own ends, per fas et nefas. The mens sibi conscia recti was to him an hallucination, for which he entertained profound contempt; and he honestly pitied the delusion that pinned its faith on human truth and virtue. He was a provoking melange of antiquarian attainments and modern scepticism.

I walk ressa way leave you to res'. Goo'-by! Nen run fas' he can down dissa heel. "Missiolary man stay look him run, an' kep' fink ole tem. Nen say hisse'f: 'I fink dissa man inshinsherity. I lose ole dissa tem wif him! Whatta tem it is? Nen he search his watch. 'Oh, my! No watch; no convict! Dissa vay bad day!" The Chinese grins with the greatest pleasure.

"Bime-by, come to river and find canoe jump in and paddle fas'; bime-by, 'gain, stop paddling and laugh and shake fist this way, and say 'God-damn." By this I knew that Jennifer had escaped; nay, more; had somehow learned of my escape and was seeking me. "Is that all the chief saw?" I asked. "Ugh! See heap more things: see one thing white squaw no let him tell Captain Long-knife.