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"Ma foi! mesdames; j'en suis faché pour vous," exclaimed the young soldier, touching his cap with grace; "mais fortune de guerre! vous trouverez notre général un brave homme, et bien poli avec les dames." "C'est le caractère des gens de guerre," said Cora, with admirable self-possession. "Adieu, mon ami; je vous souhaiterais un devoir plus agréable

She regarded me with a glance of mixed anger and hurt. "Vous etes faché avec moi?" she inquired accusingly. "I angry with you?" I repeated. "Why what have I done to show it?" And then she told me of her visit and vigil. Seeing me alone in Tahiti, and kind-hearted, she said, she had thought to tell me of the Tahitian heart and the old ways of the land.

'Demain nous donnerons relache, Quoique le Directeur s'en fache, Vous voir combleroit nos desirs: 'To-morrow is no Play, To the Manager's regret, Whose sole study is to keep you happy: On doit ceder tout a la gloire; Vous ne songes qu'a la victoire, Nous ne songeons qu'a vos plaisires' But, you being bent upon victory, What can he do? Day after to-morrow,

They seem angry I have nothing for them, and so they scold, as they do at the camp fire when we feed them nothing. To-day for a time they left me, and then they came back and seemed to laugh at me, and then I heard Mustagan and Big Tom call, and was rescued. "Je suis fache I am sorry I went hunting. I will go no more. Sam may continue."

"Sleep, I suppose, in de cabin," answered Jacques. "Vere are all de rest?" "Gone overboard," said Dick. "Come along, there's no time for jabbering." "Vat an Le Grande?" exclaimed Jacques. "Oh! comme je suis fache! Dat is bad, very bad." Jacques had evidently been taking a glass or two of cognac to console himself, and even now was scarcely recovered from its effects.

Ils ne les voient qu'a travers les prejuges, et je ne fache aucun etat ou l'on en ait tant." Providence, Jan. 29. We are now quite domesticated here, though in a very miserable way, without fire, and with our mattresses, on the boards; but we nevertheless adopt the spirit of the country, and a total absence of comfort does not prevent us from amusing ourselves.

I got but one flash of sheet lightning in the shape of a single bantering smile from his eyes; and then he said, "Courage! a vrai dire je ne suis pas fache, peut-etre meme suis je content qu'on s'est fait si belle pour ma petite fete." "Mais ma robe n'est pas belle, Monsieur elle n'est que propre." "J'aime la proprete," said he.

Ah! par ma foi, I did not say fall off! I am a fear de little gross fat gentilman is moche hurt. Ah, mon Dieu! c'est le Commissaire qui nous a apporte les premieres nouvelles de ce maudit fracas. Je suis trop fache, Monsieur!

"C'est un chien de talent: il a beaucoup de sentiment. Je suis bien fache de t'avoir blesse, monsieur." "Et monsieur parle Francais?" "I should esteem myself fortunate, if I spoke your language as well as you do mine," replied McElvina, in French. This compliment, before so many bystanders, completely won the heart of the vain and choleric Frenchman. "Ah, sare, you are too complaisant.

'Gentilmans cavalry, you must fall in Ah! par ma foi, I did not say fall off! I am a fear de little gross fat gentilman is moche hurt. Ah, mon Dieu! c'est le Commissaire qui nous a apporte les premieres nouvelles de ce maudit fracas. Je suis trop fache, Monsieur!