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Updated: August 22, 2024

"Oh, Marty! we're not going to quarrel." "I dunno whether we are or not," returned the pessimistic youth. "Wait till there's only one piece o' pie left at dinner some day. You'll have ter have it. Marm'll say so. But if you was a boy an' I could lick ye ye wouldn't dare take it. D'ye see?" "I'm not so awfully fond of pie," admitted Janice.

These farmers knew how to tell the age of a horse, but not how to tell the age of a man! "We'll draft ye anyhow!" vowed the chairman of the board, who was the local justice of the peace, an old fellow with a beard like a billy-goat. "All right," said Jimmie, "but you'll get nothin' out o' me." "What d'ye mean?" "I mean I wouldn't fight; I'm a conscientious objector to war." "They'll shoot ye!"

When Father Adams was invited, he accepted the invitation heartily, and, slapping Toc on his huge broad back, wished him joy of the "noo babby," and hoped he might live to see it grow up to have "a babby of its own similar to itself, d'ye see?" at which remark Toc laughed with evident delight. Well, the whole thing was arranged, and they proceeded to carry the picnic into effect.

"What am your name?" "George Waters." "George George, dat am my name, too," said the negro, leaning on his hoe. "D'ye suppose we is brudders?" "No." "Well, why is we bofe called George?" "I don't know." The overseer came along at this moment and threatened them with the lash, if they did not cease talking and attend to their work.

"'Get off! he ses, spluttering. 'Get off, afore I tear you limb from limb! 'Ow dare you follow me about and come spying round corners at me? Wot d'ye mean by it? "I stood there with my arms folded acrost my chest, as calm as a cucumber. The other party stood there watching us, and wot 'e could 'ave seen in her, I can't think.

"Mandy ain't lost her eyesight none either." Washy's thin whine broke through the guffaw: "I seen a picture at Paulmouth once't about a feller and a girl lost in the woods o' Borneo. It was a stirrin' picture. They was chased by headhunters, and one o' these here big man-apes tackled 'em what d'ye call that critter now? Suthin' like ringin' a bell." "Orang-outang," suggested Lawford. "That's it.

The paper on the wall was of the hideous striped sort, and the chairs were nondescript; but everything was clean so clean it looked worn more with brushing than with use. A slim woman of fifty, with hollow eyes and a patient smile, came in, wiping her hands on her apron. "How d'ye do? Did you want to see me?" "Yes," said Hartley, smiling.

The total number of letters, post-cards, newspapers, etcetera, that passed through the Post-Offices of the kingdom last year was fourteen hundred and seventy-seven million eight hundred and twenty-eight thousand two hundred! What d'ye make o' that, ma'am?" "Mr Flint, I just make nothing of it at all," returned Miss Lillycrop, with a placid smile.

"A stately and sightly dame is she, madam," Peregrine answered, "towering high above her little mynheer, who outwardly excels her in naught save the length of nose, and has the manners of a boor." "The Prince of Orange is the hope of the country," said Sir Philip severely. Peregrine's face wore a queer satirical look, which provoked Sir Philip into saying, "Speak up, sir! what d'ye mean?

And, so saying, he sprang into the main rigging and danced up the ratlines at a pace that made the shellbacks on deck stare in wonderment. "Come down out of my rigging, you; d'ye hear?" roared Potter. "Come down, I say. How dare you take such liberties aboard my ship? D'ye hear what I say?" as Leslie grasped the futtock shrouds and lightly drew himself over the rim of the top.

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