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"D'ee hear that?" exclaimed Captain Wopper with a startled look, as he and his companions busied themselves packing up their instruments. Antoine Grennon heard it but made no reply. He was familiar with cries of alarm. Turning abruptly he dashed off at full speed in the direction whence the cries came. The Captain and Professor instantly followed; Lawrence overtook and passed them.

"Why, sonny," returned David, knitting his brows very hard, for the question was somewhat of a puzzler, "he means that you've got to stow away in your brain the knowledge that's in the book, an' work away at it di-gest it, d'ee see same as you stow grub into yer stummick an' digest that." Billy pondered this a long time till a happy thought occurred to him.

When me an' Miss Manuela got to de place whar I had fix on, dar was de lub-sick man sure 'nuff, an' you may b'liebe he look 'stonished to see Manuela, but he wasn't half so 'stonished as me at de way dey hoed on. What d'ee t'ink dey dooed, Sooz'n?" "Dun know. S'pose dey run into each oder's arms, an' hab a dance round like me an' you." "Nuffin ob de sort. I wouldn't hab bin suprised at dat at all.

"In very truth ye are, lad, to escape from such a big bunch o' Redskins without a scratch; why " "Pooh!" interrupted the sailor, "that's not the luck I'm thinkin' of. Havin' overhauled Roarin' Bull an' his little girl in time to help rescue them, that's what I call luck d'ee see?" "Yes, I see," was Hunky Ben's laconic reply.

And then, d'ee know, I don't feel as if I could git on in such investigations with a stranger." "What a pity," said Kate, "that you could not bring the books here, and then I could help you, for although I do not pretend to be deeply learned in scriptural knowledge, I daresay I know enough for your purpose; but why not get the books in London? Is there any necessity for buying them in Yarmouth?"

What say you, Joe; shall we attempt to quell them?" "Well, master, that depends. There's a braw lot on 'em, an' if they beant far gone, d'ee see, they might gie us a deal o' trouble. If they be far gone I'd advise ye to let 'em alone; the drink'll quell 'em soon enough. Arter that we'll know what to do." Just as he spoke a woman was seen rushing frantically towards them. It was little Mrs Nobbs.

What d'ee say to a noo suit of blue tights, with three rows brass buttons; a situation in a respectable family; a fair wage; as much as you can eat and drink; and a trip to Switzerland to begin with?" While the Captain spoke, the small boy's eyes opened wider and wider, and his month followed suit, until he stood the very picture of astonishment. "You don't mean it?" he exclaimed.

"Now, look 'ee here, youngster," said the Captain, suddenly seizing the spider by his collar and trousers, and swinging him as though about to hurl him through the window into the river, "if you go an' let your tongue wag in regard to this matter, out you go, right through the port-hole d'ee see?" He set the spider quietly on his legs again, who replied, with unruffled coolness

What d'ee think o' that?" From her silence and expression it was evident that the poor lady's thoughts were not quite what her son had hoped. "Why don't you congratulate me, mother?" he asked, somewhat petulantly. "Would it not be almost premature," she replied, with a forced smile, "to congratulate you before I know anything about the salary or the prospects held out to you?

"D'ee think that white blood is worth more than black blood in the eyes o' the Almighty as made 'em both?" The lecture itself was highly appreciated, being on a subject which Bob and Joe had already made interesting to the steerage passengers. And the lecturer not only treated it well, but was himself such a fine, lion-like, yet soft-voiced fellow that his audience were quite charmed.