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Updated: August 6, 2024

"I was," answered the old woman, glancing at the photographs over the chimney-piece, "in the same family for many years." "You'll excuse me, ma'am," continued the seaman, "if I appear something inquisitive, I want to make sure that I've boarded the right craft d'ee see I mean, that you are the right 'ooman."

I've got neither wife nor chick, as you know, an' so, wot I means to do is to give the bulk of it to them that I love while I'm alive d'ee see? `I do, Willum, says I. `Well then, says he, `besides them little matters that I axed you to do for me, I want you to take partikler notice of two people.

When fully equipped, the diver carried on his person a weight fully equal to that of his own bulky person. "Now look here, Mister Edgar, an' pay partikler attention, Rooney Machowl. This here toobe, made of indyrubber, d'ee see? It communicates with that there pump, and when these two men work the pump, air will be forced into the helmet and into the dress down to his very toes.

"Well, sir, I know that you can do nothing, but now that my wife and child are actually starvin', I really don't see the sin of helpin' myself to a loaf at the nearest baker's, and giving him leg-bail for it." "Nothing justifies stealing," said Aspel. "D'ee think not, sir?" said Bones.

The suggestion seemed to be timely and acceptable, and one by one the gentlemen, standing aside with ceremonious politeness to let one another precede, entered the store, Parson West leading, for it was neither according to the requirements of decorum, or his own private tastes, that the minister should decline a convivial invitation of this character. "What d'ee say, Laban?" "What did they dew?"

"Ay, lad, and they'd need to be stout timbers too, to make headway through such a sea of sand," returned Molloy, feeling his own limbs with tenderness. "D'ee think we're in for a brush to-night, lad?" Before the latter could reply, an aide-de-camp ran up and spoke a few hurried words to Captain Lacey, who turned to his company and called them to attention.

Now mind, Miss Ruth, not a word o' this to any livin' soul. Not even to your own mother, for she ain't my mother, d'ee see, an' has no right to know it. In fact I've never told it to any one till this day, for I have no one in the wide world to care about it. Once, indeed, I had " He stopped short.

"I meant no offence, my dear," said the captain, with one of his blandest smiles, "only the berth is rather small, d'ee see, for a man of my size. It is first-rate as far as it goes, but if it went a little further in the direction of the sea, you know it might give me a little more room to kick about my legs. But it'll do. It'll do. I'll take all the rooms, so you'll consider them engaged."

The missus, bless 'er 'art, sewed a bit o' blue on my night-shirt in fun, but d'ee know, sir, I do believe it's that 'as cured me o' dreamin' about it, as I used to do." "I'm glad to hear that, Butts," said Tom, with a laugh. "Now, tell me; how long is it since you tasted strong drink?" "Six months this very day, sir." "And are you satisfied that you are better without it?"

"What d'ee mean by that, Joe Davidson, you fathom of impudence?" he demanded, with flushed face and flashing eyes. "Only that I wants a light," answered the mate, pulling out his pipe, and applying the cigar to it. "Humph!" returned the boy, mollified, and at the same time tickled, by the obvious pretence; "you might have axed leave first, I think." "So I might.

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