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Some one Benson Annie, I reckons has pasted some co't plaster over the hole on his cheek-bone where the bullet gets in, an' all 'round Jack looks better than I ever sees him. "'Let the congregation remove its hats, says Peets, a-settin' down on a box up at Jack's head, 'an' as many as can will please get somethin' to camp on.

I'll have nine fine young trees this time three years, I reckon. Thank you, suh. How's things over to the Co't House?" "Troops arriving all the while," said the Messenger carelessly. "Comin' in?" "Lots." "Sho! I heard they was sendin' 'em East." "Oh, some. We've got to have elbow-room. Can't pack two army corps into Osage Court House." "Two a'my co'ps, suh?" "More or less."

"I reckon Albert Matthews' grocery would be the safes' place fu' it. He's got one o' dem i'on saftes." "The very place. Let us go there at once, and after that I will not encroach upon your hospitality longer, but attempt to find a hotel." "Hotel nothin'," said Isaac emphatically. "Ef my house ain't too common, you'll stay right thaih ontwell co't sets." "This is very kind of you, Mr.

But I 'low that if this here case is goin' agin Bob Yancy I'd recommend him to go home and not listen to no mo' foolishness." "Mr. Yancy will oblige this co't by setting still while I finish this case," said the squire with dignity. "As I've already p'inted out, the question of veracity presents itself strongly to the mind of this here colt. Mr. Yancy has sworn to one thing, Mr. Blount to another.

He had passed out of his reverential mood, but the effort to be absolutely exact demanded concentration. "I immediately called up Anthony, and told him that Judge Spofford of the Supreme Co't of Maryland would arrive the next day, and that I wanted the best dinner that could be served in the county, and the best bottle of wine in my cellar."

W'ite folks doan' b'lieve in sich things, fer I heared 'em say so; but yer can't 'spec' nothin' better fum fiel'-han's. "Dey wuz one man on de plantation, one er dese yer dandy niggers w'at 'uz alluz runnin' atter de wimmen folks, dat got ter pest'rin' Cindy. Cindy didn' paid no 'tention ter 'im, but he kep' on tryin' fer ter co't her w'en he could git a chance.

I knowed a town in Texas which is that peaceful it's pastoral that's what it is, it's like a sheep-fold, it's so mcck an' easy ontil one day they ups an' plays a co't an' jedge an' jury on that camp; rings in a herd of law sharps, an' a passel of rangers with Winchesters to back the deal.

Ef yo' go down dyah now, I kin show it to yo', inside de line fence, whar it hed done bin ever sence long befo' Cun'l Chahmb'lin wuz born. But Cun'l Chahmb'lin wuz a mons'us perseverin' man, an' ole marster he wouldn' let nobody run over 'im. No, dat he wouldn'! So dey wuz agwine down to co't about dat, fur I don' know how long, till ole marster beat 'im.

Haydon did not speak, but Maria brushed her tears away, and tried to go on sewing. She was mending the lining of the second-best black coat with most touching care. "I expect I shall have to take that co't for every day now, an' get me a new one for best," he announced at last, because somebody had to say something. "I've about finished with this. Spring work is hard on an old co't."

There was a murmur of approval. Scratch Hill remembered the rifles in its hands and took comfort. "The Fayetteville co't air a higher co't than this, Uncle Sammy," explained the squire indulgently. "I'm aweer of that," snapped the patriarch. "I've seen hit's steeple." "Air you finished, Uncle Sammy?" asked the squire deferentially. "I 'low I am.