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Jimmie Parsons, who was in the room with us all the time, also tried to stop him after he biffed me. Jimmie's got two wonderful black eyes as a result." "The man must be insane!" cried David, aghast. Dick shook his head. "Not a bit of it. He's the sanest man I know." "Where has he gone? You said he started for Mrs. Braddock's? Great heavens, Dick, he may do her bodily harm!

This battle had become a personal matter which pleased their sense of individualism; for it is not bred into Australians to be afraid if they are out alone after dark. Having worked beyond their first objective, when they were given as their second the rest of the village they took it; and they were not "biffed" out of it, either.

From the distance in the opposite direction came the sounds of horses, galloping away from the township. Peters sprang towards the paddock fence. "Our gold!" he yelled. "They've biffed us!" The slip-rails In the paddock fence were down, and two of the horses were missing.

"I am a-laughin' at you, Mayhall Wells," he said, contemptuously, but he was surprised at the look on the good-natured giant's face. "Captain Mayhall Wells, ef you please." "Plain ole Mayhall Wells," said Hence, and Captain Wells descended with no little majesty and "biffed" him. The delighted crowd rose to its feet and gathered around. Tallow Dick came running from the barn.

Why the dickens should a fellow come three thousand miles to be prodded by postmen?" "The point is well taken," said George. "What did you do?" "I gave him a shove, you know. I've got a frightfully hasty temper, you know. All the Bassington-Bassingtons have got frightfully hasty tempers, don't you know! And then he biffed me in the eye and lugged me off to this beastly place."

You'll better stand up to what's served. I'm goin' to philosophise all over your carcass." "I'm goin' to do yer up in brown paper," said Muldoon. "I can fit you on apologies." "Hold on. Ef we all biffed you now, these same men you've been so dead anxious to kill 'u'd call us off. 'Guess we'll wait till they go back to the haouse, an' you'll have time to think cool an' quiet," said Rod.

That Sue with pretended haughtiness was looking very high above the head of the humble Buzz. "Well, it's not my fault that Timms up and biffed his brother into eternity all for buzzing pretty Mary Brown, and I don't see why I had to be rung in to sort out of a million sheets of trial evidence the lies he told about it, for poor old Governor Bill to moil over all night.

No warning the pig! He biffed me. Knocked those two teeth out down! I'll get him some day. Flay him. Make dog whips of his dirty hide. All Frenchmen ought to die. Hope to God they will. Starve. Freeze." In spite of himself David laughed. Hatchett took no offense, but the grimness of his long, sombre countenance remained unbroken.

You tackled Carmine because he was in the way and you ran into him and put your arms around him to keep from falling on your nose. It was no brilliancy of yours that made the poor chap fumble the ball. You hit him like a load of bricks! If I'd been Carmine I'd have up and biffed you one! You were were distinctly ungentlemanly, Clint. You should remember that even in football there are limits.

"He tried to yank her off an' she biffed him," replied Wilson. "That Riggs is jest daffy or plain locoed," said Snake, in an aside to Moze. "Boss, you mean plain cussed. Mark my words, he'll hoodoo this outfit. Jim was figgerin' correct." "Hoodoo " cursed Anson, under his breath. Many hands made quick work.