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Updated: August 3, 2024

"An' what's more, your wind's all gone you couldn't go five rounds wi' a good 'un!" "Couldn't I?" "No!" shrieked the Old Un, "you'd be 'anging on an' blowing like a grampus!" "Should I?" "Ah like a grampus!" "Right-o!" nodded Joe, turning away, "no jam for your tea to-night."

And it was not until late in the night after the rescue, following a few hours of rest forced upon him by the interne, that Fairchild once more could converse with his stricken partner. "It's something I 'll 'ave to show you to explain," said Harry. "I can't tell you about it. You know where that little fissure is in the 'anging wall, away back in the stope?" "Yes." "Well, that's it.

The question is, wo't are you 'anging round 'ere for?" Now, possibly deceived by my pacific attitude, or inspired by the bright eyes of the trim maid-servant, he seized me, none too gently, by the collar, to the horrified dismay of the Imp. "Nay, but I will, give thee moneys " "You are a-going to come up to the 'ouse with me, and no blooming nonsense either; d'ye 'ear?"

Kumbo went in 'anging on to Rupert's arm, and I follered with the spear, which I 'ad held in my 'and while I paid the cabman. They went into the office, and Rupert and me talked it over while Kumbo kept patting 'is cheek. He was afraid that the manager would track 'im to the wharf, and I was afraid that the guv'nor would find out that I 'ad been neglecting my dooty, for the fust time in my life.

We 'ave set in our time, me and 'Ope, on the bottom of a capsized schooner, ore laden out of Mazatlan, with our tongues 'anging out like the tails of some vallyble new kind of a black dorg. 'Ope and I took the Chainy coast once on a chicken coop. 'Ope and I, when we 'ad the dollars, blew them in right royal. 'Ope and I, when we 'adn't none, tightened our belts and cheered each other hup.

The one woman she had ever envied was Mary Slessor of Calabar. Mawson came in much out of breath, having run up the hill to get out of the darkness. "Weel, and hoo's the Bishop?" Bella said in jocular tones. "Ow, 'e was lovely. 'E said the Judgment was 'anging over all of us." "Oh, wumman," said Bella, as she dumped a loaf viciously on the platter, "d'ye need a Bishop to tell ye that?

The other fellers that 'ad their tongues 'anging out for a fag uster go'n borrow a leaf off o' Bass whenever they could raise a bit o' baccy, but at last Bass shut down on these loans. "Where's your own Testament?" he'd say. "You was served out one same as me, wasn't you? Lot o' irreligious wasters! Get a Bible give you an' can't take the trouble to carry it.

He listened quiet till I 'ad finished, and then he shook 'is 'ead. "'It ain't in my line, he ses. "'There's 'arf a quid 'anging to it, I ses. "'Arry shook his 'ead agin. 'Tain't enough, mate, he ses. 'If you was to make it a quid I won't say as I mightn't think of it.

"Begging your pardon, miss, it's neither peace nor rest I gets in it these days, with a twenty-five pound debt 'anging over me, and three children to feed and clothe." "I fear we are not very clever, Mrs. Bobby, or we should hit upon the right thing with less trouble.

If you do me the favour to walk into the Hatrium, you'll remark my great pictures also from English istry. An English historical painter, sir, should be employed chiefly in English istry. That's what I would have done. Why ain't there temples for us, where the people might read their history at a glance, and without knowing how to read? Why is my 'Alfred' 'anging up in this 'all?

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