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His worship was gawky, flustered, and uncertain, and listened like a scared rabbit to mine host, a man of much talk, who explained proudly what was to be done. "This is 'im, y'r worship," he said. "A dirty 'oss-thief as badly wants 'anging. Copped in the act, y'r worship, of riding into this 'ere yard o' mine, as big as bull-beef, sitting on the very 'oss 'e'd stolen from his lordship 'ere."

He listened quiet till I 'ad finished, and then he shook 'is 'ead. "'It ain't in my line, he ses. "'There's 'arf a quid 'anging to it, I ses. "'Arry shook his 'ead agin. 'Tain't enough, mate, he ses. 'If you was to make it a quid I won't say as I mightn't think of it.

She stood blocking up the doorway with her 'ands on her 'ips, while I explained, with Kumbo still 'anging on my arm and a crowd collecting behind, and the more I explained, the more I could see she didn't believe a word of it. She never 'as believed it. I sent for Mr.

I just wanted to get be'ind something that's all I could think of. So I shied for that fissure in the rocks and crawled back in there, trying to squeeze as far along as I could. And 'ere 's the funny part of it I kept on going!" "You what?" "Kept on going. I 'd always thought it was just a place where the 'anging wall 'ad slipped, and that it stopped a few feet back. But it don't it goes on.

Thérèse smiled rather vaguely, for she knew no more Cockney than John North knew French. "You clear out of 'ere," continued the linesman. "I don't want none o' you objector blokes 'anging around this shop, and if you come 'ere again I won't arf biff you one."