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Then the laughter would be general, and the girls would go off with their arms about each other's waists, and singing, in the street substitute for the stage whisper, "And 'er golden 'air was 'anging dahn 'er back!" This yellow-haired and yellow-fingered sisterhood saw the game of life pretty clearly, and it did not take them long to get abreast of Glory. "Like this life, my dear?" "Go on!

He spat upon his hands. "I dunno you and I don't like you," he retorted. "D'yer know wot I'm going to do?" "I have no idea," Sir Timothy confessed. "I'm going to make you look so that your own mother wouldn't know you then I'm going to pitch you into the street," he added, with an evil grin. "That's wot we does with big toffs who come 'anging around 'ere." "Do you?" Sir Timothy said calmly.

He didn't seem to be able to speak at fust, but arter a time 'e gives a gasp. "Woes the game?" he ses. "Wot I want to know is, if I give you that watch and chain for fifteen bob, will that keep the ghost from 'anging round my wharf agin?" I ses. "Why, o' course," he ses, staring; "but you ain't been seeing it agin, 'ave you?" "I've not, and I don't want to," I ses.

See? It's no good 'anging on to a losing concern. No sort of good. Jest foolishness." "That's all right," said Grubb "that's all right; but it ain't your capital been sunk in it." "No need for us to sink after our capital," said Bert, ignoring the point. "I'm not going to be held responsible for that trailer, anyhow. That ain't my affair." "Nobody arst you to make it your affair.

But there's somethin' 'anging over his head. Don't ask me what it is, fur never shall you know, by reason of my being ignorant. But whatever it is, Mr. Beecot, it's something wicked, and shall I see my own pretty in trouble?" "How do you know there will be trouble?" interrupted Paul, anxiously.

They spent the rest o' that day 'anging out of the winder, but it was not till ha'-past four in the after-noon that Isaac, still wearing Peter's clothes and carrying a couple of large green plants under 'is arm, turned into the road, and from the way 'e was smiling they thought it must be all right.

The cook came down just then and we 'ad to leave off talking, and I could see that Bill was so pleased at finding that the money 'adn't been thrown overboard that 'e was losing sight o' the difficulty o' getting at it. In a day or two, 'owever, 'e see it as plain as me and Jimmy did, and, as time went by, he got desprit, and frightened us both by 'anging about aft every chance 'e got.

"Bob Grand 'as 'eard that Brad's out and that he's been 'anging around his 'otel, nasty-like. Who should come to my 'ouse in a cab at nine o'clock to-night but Bob Grand 'isself. He finds me alone, Ruby being off with 'er young man. When I sees who is coming up my steps, I almost keels over. The first words he says took my breath away.

He referred darkly to the events of the year before, which in some distorted way had reached the servants' ears. "We always thought as 'ow it was them niggers as done it," he declared; and when I questioned him on his use of the plural, admitted that at the time in question "there 'ad been more nor one nigger 'anging about the kitchen."

Some of 'em was for 'anging back at first, some because they didn't like the tiger and some because they didn't like Bob Pretty, but John Biggs drove 'em in front of 'im like a flock o' sheep and then they gave a cheer and ran after George Kettle, full pelt up the road. "A few wimmen and children was at their doors as they passed, but they took fright and went indoors screaming.