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"Madame!" cried her maid-servant, bursting into the room. "Rosalie," said her mistress, "who allowed you to come here without being sent for?" Rosalie paid no heed to the rebuke, but whispered in her mistress's ear: "The count is at the chateau." "Has he asked for me?" said the steward's wife. "No, madame; but he wants his trunk and the key of his apartment."

And immediately Count Ville-Handry appeared, already dressed, curled, and painted, bearing the appearance of a man who is about to enjoy his revenge. "Leave us!" he said to the maid-servant. And, as soon as Clarissa had left the room, he turned to Henrietta with these words, "Yes, indeed, my dear Henrietta, I have given strict orders not to bring you up any thing to eat.

He went up stairs, and found rooms decently furnished, and a maid-servant immediately spread the table with a genteel cold collation; but what he looked upon as the most elegant part of the entertainment, was the agreeable chit-chat during the time of supper, and a song the lady who had so much attracted him, gave him, at her friend's request, after the cloth was taken away.

Suspense seemed to have reached its height. Yet it was evident that Beryllus had not yet drawn his last arrow from the quiver. The maid-servant, whose scream had startled the others, had regained her composure and seemed eager to hear some other new and terrible omen, for, with a beseeching glance, she begged the freedman not to withhold the knew.

With what pleasure the old maid-servant, faithful soul, who had come with him then a little four-year-old boy and his mother to Ratisbon twenty-two years ago, would make a bed for him and again cook the pancakes, which she knew to be his favourite dish!

"Paris is a queer place," said Lucien; it seemed to him that he saw self-interest squatting in every corner. A smart maid-servant opened the door.

But in that indictment Biberli was charged with having forced his way into an Honourable's house at night to obtain admittance for his master. In collusion with a maid-servant he was also said to have maintained the love correspondence between Herr Ernst Ortlieb's two daughters, a Swiss knight, and Boemund Altrosen." "Infamous!" cried Eva.

While he stood by the bookcase, balancing his spectacles on his forefinger and Homer's words in his mind, Jenifer, his one small maid-servant, entered with word that Roger Olver was at the door with a message from Penalune. 'Show him in, said Doctor Unonius.

A stout maid-servant, wearing the costume and cap of Picardy, entered in haste, and thus addressed her mistress: "Madame, there is a person here that wants to speak to master; he has come in the postmaster's calash from Saint-Valery, and he says that he is M. Rodin." "M. Rodin?" said the bailiff rising. "Show him in directly!" A moment after, M. Rodin made his appearance.

She communicated the news of the advertisement, and said she should be so miserable if compelled to go back to Miss Starke's, and implored him so pathetically to save her from such sorrow, that he at once assented to her proposal of flight. Luckily, little was owing to the landlady, that little was left with the maid-servant; and, profiting by Mrs.

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