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Updated: August 8, 2024

Downing stared, amazed. "Are you aware whom you are talking to, Smith?" he inquired acidly. "Yes, sir. And I know it's not Mr. Outwood, to whom that cupboard happens to belong. If you wish to break it open, you must get his permission. He is the sole lessee and proprietor of that cupboard. I am only the acting manager." Mr. Downing paused. He also reflected. Mr.

Is it?" "In some ways only. We have not the same profusion of wild fruits and trees, but we have our share and it is not so hot as here. It is a better country, though." "In what way is it better?" the governor asked almost acidly. "It is better governed." "What do you mean by that? Isn't Jamaica well governed?" "Not so well that it couldn't be improved," was Sheila's reply.

"I'm interested to hear you blame self-indulgence in others," retorted Philip acidly. But by this time an answer had come from Hayward, giving the name of a hotel where Philip could get a room for thirty francs a month and enclosing a note of introduction to the massiere of a school. Philip read the letter to Mrs. Carey and told her he proposed to start on the first of September.

In the first moments after she turned out the lights the darkness was brightly painted with pictures of the moonlit temple; one everywhere she turned her eyes. And once, when she was far gone into drowsiness, she woke herself by sitting up in bed and crying acidly: "And do you think we will have to spend every night searching for your mother, Richard?" But very soon she slept.

I understand that for a short while you have been engaged to be married to Miss Stella Rawson, the niece of the respected English clergyman, the Reverend Ebley " "Pardon me," interrupted Mr. Medlicott acidly, "but I do not see how my private affairs can interest you, sir, I cannot " But the host in turn interrupted him.

You've got a lively little girl there. I guess she'll be a first-rate company keeper." Miss Sawyer shuddered openly at the adjective "lively" as applied to a child; her belief being that though children might be seen, if absolutely necessary, they certainly should never be heard if she could help it. "We're not much used to noise, Jane and me," she remarked acidly. Mr.

Holmcroft being my Secretariat baa-lamb? 'If you adorn your guess with a little profanity, said Innes, acidly, 'you won't be far wrong. Mrs. Violet burst into a peal of laughter. 'Why, you old goose! she articulated, behind her handkerchief; 'he said that to ME. Innes laid down the 'Saturday Review'. 'To you! he repeated; 'Gordon said it to you! 'Rather! Mrs. Violet was still mirthful.

"'Tis not time," answered the old nurse acidly, taking her tone from his own. "But there is one, but an hour old, and my lady " "Be damned to her!" quoth Sir Jeoffry savagely. "A ninth one and 'tis nine too many. 'Tis more than man can bear. She does it but to spite me."

Vane, his eyes on the stretch of lawn and forest framed by the window. For the sake of the ignorant, it may be well to add that the Honourable Orrin Young was the chairman of the Commission. "And now," said Mr. "Political advertising," said the Honourable Hilary. "Plenty of it, I guess," Mr. Flint remarked acidly. "That's one thing Tooting can't teach him. He's a natural-born genius at it."

Do you mean to say you've been fighting with a common man like Chipmunk?" "We're the best of friends now," said Doggie. "We understand each other." "I can't quite see the necessity," said Peggy. "I'm afraid it's rather hard to explain," he replied with a rueful knitting of the brows, for he realized her disgust at the vulgar brawl. "I think the less said the better," she remarked acidly.

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