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Updated: August 8, 2024

He ignored the ring of hostile faces about him and calmly bit into the banana. The unfamiliar taste pleased him. Despite hoots and catcalls from the crowd he finished it. "Now the spacer knows how to eat a banana," the vender commented acidly. "Here, spacer. Have another." "I don't want another." "Huh? No good? Earth fruits are too good for you, starman. You better learn that fast."

"Man" Holmes argued with Satan for the possession of the hearth-stone "when it rains in this country, it rains. A branch of your creek down there is almost over the road " "Bayou, not creek," corrected Charity acidly. Lately she had shown a marked preference for Holmes' absence rather than his company. "I stand corrected," he laughed; "a branch of your bayou."

It's not a question of complexion; it's money that talks. Ezra Jackson could buy me out two or three times over. I'm trying to act all his legal business. He's bringing a big suit against the railroad. If he gives it to me I shall be able to send Ellen to Baltimore this year instead of next." "Well," said Mrs. Kendrick, submissively but acidly, "if you want me to go and apologize, I suppose I can.

Chalmers was the winger, but on the day he was tremendously selfish, and stuck to the ball until he was robbed or knocked off it. Now, Acton loathed the "alone I did it" type of forward, and asked Chalmers pretty acidly what his inside man was for. This riled Chalmers considerably, for he had a large private opinion about his own play, and he said pretty hotly, "Mind your own business, Acton."

Ah, Leicester would have at him now!" she added sharply, as she saw the favourite spur forward before the gallant Lee. "He is full of choler it becomes him, but it shall not be; bravery is not all. And if he failed "she smiled acidly "he would get him home to Kenilworth and show himself no more if he failed, and the White Knight failed not! What think you, dove?" she cried to the Duke's Daughter.

Do you want the baseball scores, Mr. Blithers?" "Not unless they come in cipher," said Mr. Blithers acidly. "Some of 'em do. Six to nothing in favor of the Giants, two to nothing Here we are at last. I've picked up the Mauretania again. She's relaying." Mr. Blithers sat down on the steps and looked at his watch. It would be five o'clock in Paris.

Frothingham said acidly, "became very much involved in their statements concerning this matter." "This 'Tabnit," said Miss Holland, and flashed a smile of pretty deference at the lawyer to console him for her total neglect of his comment, "in McDougle Street. Who can he be? he is a man, I suppose. And where is McDougle Street?" St. George explained the location, and Mrs.

She had been on the point of relenting a little, of calming, of being a bit ashamed of herself. But his quiet acquiescence rekindled her resentment. "How do you know? You!" she said bitterly. "Because I'm not what you think I am, altogether." "I guess you're not," she observed acidly. "But I don't mean what you mean. I mean you think I'm conceited and rich and don't know what trouble is.

I hold that it exonerates him from all suspicion of complicity with the robbery." "I differ with you," said Squire Duncan, acidly. "It is a wild, improbable tale, that does not even do credit to the prisoner's invention. In my opinion, this mysterious stranger has no existence. Is there any one besides himself who has seen this Roland Reed?"

"What sort of noise, sir?" inquired Mike, as many Wrykynians had asked before him. It was a question invented by Wrykyn for use in just such a case as this. "I do not propose," said Mr. Downing acidly, "to imitate the noise; you can all hear it perfectly plainly. It is a curious whining noise." "They are mowing the cricket field, sir," said the invisible Wilson. "Perhaps that's it."

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