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Updated: August 8, 2024

"Well, there's also the question of the Melroy Engineering Corporation's attempting to use strike-breakers, and the Long Island Atomic Power Authority's having condoned this unfair employment practice," Cronnin said, acidly. "And there's also the question of the I.F.A.W.'s calling a Pearl Harbor strike on my company," Melroy added. "We resent that characterization!" Cronnin retorted.

"For a dissembler, sir," she pronounced upon him acidly, "I think it would be difficult to meet your match." He dropped his spoon into the bowl with a clatter. He looked up, the very picture of amazement and consternation. "A dissembler, I?" quoth he in earnest protest; then laughed and quoted, adapting,

Sir John Pleydell had lost all interest in his meal, and was looking keenly at Conyngham dissecting, as it were, his face, probing his mind, searching through the outward manner of the man, and running helplessly against a motive which he failed to understand. 'I have in my long experience found that all men may be divided into two classes, he said acidly.

"What say you, Tom Punnit?" "It never occurred to me to put the question," the General answered brusquely. "May I ask why not, sir?" said Beaumaroy respectfully. "Because I believed in God. I knew that we were right, and I knew that we should win." "Are we in theology now, or still in biology?" asked Irechester, rather acidly. "You're getting out of my 'depth anyhow," smiled Mrs. Naylor.

The thought of this so weighed on him that eventually he resigned from this particular task, but thereafter also every man who had concurred in accepting his resignation was his bitter enemy. He spoke acidly of the seven hundred he had spent, and jibed at the decisions of the trustees in other matters.

So Roosevelt, who shrank from no bodily or moral risk himself, held in scorn the "timid good," the " acidly cantankerous," the peace-at-any-price people, and the entire tribe of those who, instead of attacking iniquities and abuses, attacked those who are desperately engaged in fighting these, For this reason he probably failed to absorb from Godkin's criticism some of the benefit which it might have brought him.

"You are her mother ?" he said, and then stopped short. The wonder was reflected so clearly in his tone that an angry flush mounted to Mrs. Cary's fat cheeks. "I have that honor, Your Highness," she said acidly. "Mrs. Cary!" Travers called from the flower-bed over which he was leaning. "If the Rajah Sahib can spare you, do come and look at these flowers. They are extraordinary."

"I was merely putting two and two together forming an opinion from her manner not from her words. She is very particular to mention everything you do for her, and thanks me if I call her attention to anything she may have forgotten. She certainly appreciates your kindness to the baby." "That is extremely gratifying," said I acidly. He hesitated once more.

They would be the sewerage slaves, as being those who had made most smells." There was a moment's silence. "The only fault I have to find with your system," said Levison, rather acidly, "is that there would be only one master, and everybody else slaves." "Do you call that a fault? What do you want with more than one master? Are you asking for several?

"There'll be a shortage of bottoms, and vessels will be in brisk demand," Matt predicted. "There'll be a sharp rise in freight rates on all commodities the instant war breaks out, and the American mercantile marine ought to reap a harvest." "My dear boy," said Cappy acidly, "why speak of the American mercantile marine? There ain't no such animal."

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