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Every man can, at one time or another, put himself upon his good behavior. Underneath he may be a fine rascal." "Not this one," smiling. "He warned me against himself a dozen times, but that served to make me stubborn. The fault of my conduct," acidly, "was not in making this pariah's acquaintance. It lies in the fact that I had nothing to do with the other passengers, from choice.

You know what I mean, Paris and all that. She might 'ave done it so as not to disgrace herself." Philip felt himself reddening and cursed his weakness. Price's keen little eyes seemed to suspect him of an intrigue. "I believe your sister to have been perfectly virtuous," he answered acidly. "She killed herself because she was starving." "Well, it's very 'ard on her family, Mr. Carey.

My Aunt Dorothea, who stood in the door, said acidly, "I think, Madam, it would have been as well to keep such remarks till you were alone with my mother. I do not know how it may be in Cumberland, but they are not thought becoming to a gentlewoman here. Believe me, I am indeed sorry to be forced to the discourtesy of saying so; but you were the first offender." "Ay," said my Aunt Kezia.

"Guess she ain't no better'n she should be," opined Sophy, acidly, as she watched the door keenly. Pat Kilrea went to the bunk and for an instant considered the sick man's face. Then he scratched his head again. "Hello, Hugo!" he finally called out. "What's the matter with ye? Ain't ain't tryin' to hide behind a gal's skirts, are ye?" His arm was seized from behind. The girl's eyes flashed at him.

Pantin waved the chop for emphasis as he added with something very like enthusiasm: "She has honesty, strength of character, intelligence, personal magnetism " "It appears to me that you made rather a close study, considering your limited opportunity," Mrs. Pantin interrupted acidly. "She interested me." "Evidently. But why this sudden change of opinion?

Do you not know that they who have the power to bless or ban, to give joy or withhold it, appear to give when they mean to withhold? God bless us all how has your innocence involved your judgment!" She suddenly flushed to the eyes. "I have wit enough," she said acidly, "to feel that truth which life's experience may not have taught me.

"Kenneth, let me tell you: behind those barkeepers are the contractors; behind the contractors is Mr. North; behind Mr. North, the president. My little lever isn't long enough to turn the world over." "Pshaw!" said Kenneth. "Mr. Colbrith wouldn't stand for anything like that! Why, he's a perfect fanatic on the whisky question." "That's all right," said Ford acidly. "It doesn't go as far as Mr.

"It's your business to see that we aren't stalled," Mert snapped at him viciously. "You've got to make the thing go. You've got to!" "Well, I ain't the Almighty," Bud retorted acidly. "I can't perform miracles while yuh wait." "Starting a cranky car doesn't take a miracle," whined Mert. "Anybody that knows cars " "She's no business to be a cranky car," Foster interposed pacifically.

"Excuse me, Canon," she said acidly, "but is not all discussion out of place at this solemn moment?" "Believe me, madam," replied the aged Burstley-Ripp. "You overrate the solemnity of the moment. I must earnestly ask you all to return with me to the places whence labouring under an extraordinary error we came to-night. I see that Mrs.

He pocketed the coin, winked at his friend, and departed whistling. "A very unmannerly little boy!" observed Lady Grace, with severity. "Come, my dear Rose! We must go in." "I don't like either the one or the other," said Rose, with a very unusual touch of petulance. "They are always in the way." "I fully agree with you," said Lady Grace acidly.