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If you have ever lived with a clock afflicted with that perversity, you know how vexing it is such a stoppage. I was vexed with Marlow. He was smiling faintly while I waited. He even laughed a little. And then I said acidly: "Am I to understand that you have ferreted out something comic in the history of Flora de Barral?" "Comic!" he exclaimed. "No!

"Do look how angry this old woman seems." An elderly lady, dressed in somewhat oppressive black, with a big cameo brooch at her throat and a black satin bag in her hand, was being shown by the steward to a seat by Quest's side. She acknowledged the Captain's greeting acidly. "Good evening, Captain," she said.

"Oh, I know this Finn is a pet of yours," Cappy retorted acidly, "but Matt Peasley is a pet of mine. If we put them together in the same ship maybe we'll have one of those skin-glove contests you referred to a minute ago, but between their mutual recriminations you can bet your hopes of Heaven I'll catch a glimpse of the truth and act accordingly. Matt will not tell a lie, Skinner. Remember that."

"I found out this morning that my brother-in-law was shot, but that only makes the case look the blacker for those who openly threatened his life." "Among whom was your beautiful sister," the detective retorted acidly. "How do you know that?" I demanded. "From her maid and all the rest of the servants in the house. I found that out when I went up to take another squint at the automobile.

He felt for his leather wallet and handed Bruce the clipping. "Don't skip any," he said acidly. "It's worth a careful peruse." There was a little likelihood of that after Bruce had read the headlines. "I hopes you takes special note of tears of gratitude rainin' down my withered cheeks," said Uncle Bill savagely, "I relishes bein' published over the world as a sobbin' infant."

"Criminal, my dear, criminal," said Mrs. Jasher, rising to take her leave. "It is not a matter I care to mix myself up with. Still" she laughed "you know, why I am doing so." "If I had to take all this trouble to gain a husband," observed Lucy somewhat acidly, "I should remain single all my life."

He shall walk the quarter-deck, eh! that's a bad shot, As his daddy used to do! 'I don't see that you have anything to crow about, said a zealous junior civilian acidly. 'The Government is not exactly pleased with your work when you relieved Sanders. 'Does that mean a wigging from headquarters? said Holden with an abstracted smile. 'I think I can stand it.

"If," he continued acidly, "I'd a-guessed you was such a damn' fool, blimmy if I wouldn't've let you drownd!" Staggered, Kirkwood bore his sarcastic truculence without resentment. "Calendar," he stammered, trying to explain, "Calendar said " "I carn't 'elp wot Calendar said. Mebbe 'e did myke an engygement with you, an' you've gone and went an' forgot the dyte.

"Or you wouldn't have been talking about me," retorted Fendrick acidly. The words were flung at Flandrau, but plainly they were meant as a challenge for Cullison. A bearded man, the oldest in the party, cut in with good-natured reproof. "I shouldn't wonder, Cass, but your name is liable to be mentioned just like that of any other man."

Her face was little more than a pale, featureless oval to him in the gloom, but he could divine from the vibrations of her voice that she was as ecstatic as a young maid at her first dance. "And what about that business interview that you've just asked for on the 'phone?" G.J. acidly demanded. "Oh, we'll come to that later.