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"Don't move now. For God's sake don't move. I'll shoot the first one that does." "He shot a woman," they protested. "He saved my life," said Mills. "Are you'all right, Frenchy?" "Yais," came the answer, and with it the ghost of a laugh. Mills did not look round, and the steady remorseless barrel still sailed to and fro across the faces of the men in the hut. "Clear out, then," he shouted.

I looked at her, dull and dazed by the internal commotion the discovery had raised in me. "You said we wouldn't get stuck in the mud, and we didn't," said the bride. I pointed to the chimneys. "Are those the phosphate works?" "Yais. Didn't you know?" "The V-C phosphate works?" "Why, yais. Haven't you been to see them yet? He ought to, oughtn't he, David?

'I aff lost my roat, he say; and I say, 'Yais' bote I vill put him into his roat, and so I ask for a moment pardon, and go back to my caporal, and tell him to be on de qui vive till I come back.

He began to gesticulate as he talked, trying to make these callous, careless men see with him the images that his words called up. "Joost before de hot of de day I sit-a down in a balcao, where it is shade, yais, an' look at-a de water an' de trees, an' hear de bells, all slow an' gentle, in de church.

"The last time I saw you, you were preparing to go into the grass-cutting business," went on Tom. "Yais, sah! Dat's right. So I was. Yo' has got a memory, yo' suah has. But it am dis yeah way. Grass ain't growin' quick enough, an' so I traded off dat lawn-moah an' bought dis yeah mill. But now it won't go, an' I suah am in trouble," and once more Eradicate Sampson looked indignantly at Boomerang.

"Dat's jest lake yo'," went on the colored man. "Movin' when yo' ain't wanted to." Then, as he caught sight of Tom, he exclaimed, "Why, if it ain't young Mistah Swift! Good lordy! But dat livery brake yo' done fixed on mah wagon suttinly am fine. Ah kin go down de steepest hill widout ropin' de wheel." "Glad of it," replied Tom. "Did you come to do some work?" "Yais, sah, I done did.

I'se gittin' in turrible lazy habits sence I come heah. But come on in. Massa Seabury, he'll be powerful glad t' see yo'. So'll th' young ladies. Dey was sayin' only las' night, dat it seemed laik dem boys nevah goin' t' come. But heah yo' be! Yais, sah, I were jest thinkin' out on dat bench " But Panto's rambling talk was suddenly interrupted by a glad cry from the shrubbery.

He had a capital smile, and Mills was captivated into smiling in sympathy. "Who may you be?" he asked agreeably; "didn't expect to meet no white men about here. Where's your boys?" The tall man waved his hand vaguely in the direction of the coast, as though to imply that he had carriers somewhere in that part of the world. "Yais," he said pleasantly. "An' you are Jone Mills, eh?"

He were lyin' all curled up, laik he were asleep, an' when I seed him, I didn't stop t' call him t' dinner, yo' can make up yo' minds t' dat all." "Can you show us the place?" inquired Jack. "Yais, sah, massa Jack, dat's what I kin. I'll point it out from dish yeah winder, but I ain't g'wine dar ag'in; no, sah, 'scuse me!" "Well, show us then," suggested Mark.

It was but for a minute, while the mate recovered his outraged senses, but it was enough. The voice ashore had ceased. "What the blank blank!" roared the mate, as he dragged the Dago across the deck. "What d'ye mean by it, eh? Get hold o' that rope, or I'll ." "Yais, sir." A moment later he turned to Dan, and in the already deepening gloom his smile gleamed white in his face.