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The bride was comparatively an old woman at least twenty years the young man's senior, and a widow. I thought with a sigh of the elder Mr. Weller's parting injunction to his son, "Bevare o' the vidders," and wondered what the old gentleman would say could he see this unconscious "wictim" walking up to the altar "and thinkin' in his 'art that it was all wery capital."

As to the wictim of oppression in the suit o' brimstone, all I can say of him, is, that I hope he'll get jist as good a berth as he deserves; in vitch case it's wery little cold swarry as ever he'll be troubled with agin. Here Sam sat down with a pleasant smile, and his speech having been vociferously applauded, the company broke up.

Half-way along this dim alley he paused, and seating himself upon a dim step, fell to mopping his brow. "A extra-special capital place, this, sir!" said he. "Bankside's good enough for a capital job, but this is better, ah, a sight better! Many a unfort'nate wictim has been made a corp' of, hereabouts, sir!"

Quite a bang up affair it'll be too, nobs, all on 'em, and there's three on 'em concerned. I'll call the murderer Number Vun, Number Two is the accessory afore the fact, and Number Three is the unfort'nate wictim.

"A wictim o' wiciousness, sir." "What in the world do you mean? Who was she?" "Well, d'ye 'appen to know a young woman name of Nancy Price, sir?" "No!" "And yet you've 'ad same in your arms, Mr. Werricker, sir." "What the devil are you suggesting?" I demanded angrily. "I suggest as you found same young woman in a vood at midnight and carried 'er to a inn called the 'Soaring Lark."

I have quite a sympathy, a sort o' feller-feelin', for that Count. He seems to me the wictim of a secret sorrow." Susan looked at her small admirer with surprise, and then burst into a hearty laugh. "You're a queer boy, Gillie." To an unsophisticated country girl like Susan Quick, the London street-boy must indeed have seemed a remarkable being.

"But I tell you what, mates," said the first speaker; "that if it isn't Sir Francis Varney's, it is somebody else's as bad. I dare say, now, he's a wictim." "A what!" "A wictim to the wampyre; and, if he sees the blessed moonlight, he will be a wampyre hisself, and so shall we be, too, if he puts his teeth into us."

Wot's the matter? 'Aha! replied the old gentleman, 'I began to be afeerd that you'd gone for a walk round the Regency Park, Sammy. 'Come, said Sam, 'none o' them taunts agin the wictim o' avarice, and come off that 'ere step. Wot arc you a-settin' down there for? I don't live there. 'I've got such a game for you, Sammy, said the elder Mr. Weller, rising.

'You meet in me, Miss V., said Simon, laying his hand upon his breast, 'not a 'prentice, not a workman, not a slave, not the wictim of your father's tyrannical behaviour, but the leader of a great people, the captain of a noble band, in which these gentlemen are, as I may say, corporals and serjeants.

Veil, vot vith your qviet, innocent looks and vays, and vot vith me a-adding two and two together and werry carefully making 'em three, my case is spiled won't come off, can't come off, mustn't come off!" "What in the world do you mean?" "Mean, sir? I mean as, if Number Vun is the murderer, and Number Two is the accessory afore the fact, then Number Three the unfort'nate wictim is vait a bit!"