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I ran up the clearing to the rescue, when my ears were assailed by the "boo-hooing" of the boy. "What has happened? Why do you beat the child, Jenny?" "It's jist, thin, I that will bate him the unlucky omadhawn! Has not he spilt and spiled two buckets of syrup, that I have been the live-long night bilin'. Sorra wid him; I'd like to strip the skin off him, I would!

'Well, says she, 'Huldy Peters is well enough at her trade. I never denied that, though I do say I never did believe in her way o' makin' button-holes; and I must say, if 'twas the dearest friend I hed, that I thought Huldy tryin' to fit Mis' Kit-tridge's plumb-colored silk was a clear piece o' presumption; the silk was jist spiled, so 'twarn't fit to come into the meetin'-house.

He would come in the evening, and rail at the cask containing my late master for hours at a time; during which he drank so much wine, that it was a very common circumstance for him to remain in the house until the next morning. I had them spiled underneath, and, constantly running off the wine from them, filled them up afresh.

I ain't got the heart to see him spiled now; but he will be ef, when yer hev to drop him, yer don't do it kindly. An' just one thing more the quicker he's out of his misery the better." The old jail-bird screwed a tear out of his eye with a dirty knuckle, and departed abruptly, leaving the little teacher just about ready to cry herself. But before she was quite ready, another knock startled her.

Pope had to wink an eye now and then if one o' the kegs leaked a bit. Well, my father had finished his job that day in a sweatin' hurry, the tide bein' nearabouts on the top of the flood, and at the end, all the kegs bein' stowed, he spiled one 'for the good of the house, as he put it, and drew off a tot in a tin panikin he kept handy.

"I'll tell you what to do, Mary," began Robinson, cheerfully. "Hallo! she is crying. Here is a faint heart." "Och! captain dear, Pat an' me we are kilt right out for want of luck. Oh! oh! We niver found but one gould and that was mikee. We can't fall upon luck of any sort good, bad or indifferent that is where I'm broke and spiled and kilt hintirely. Oh! oh! oh!" "Don't cry.

We also deposited in the woodhouse all the pictures, in their original packages. At length the trucks were emptied; the senior truckman smiled sweetly as I passed a small fee into his hand then he looked thoughtfully at the roof of the cottage, and remarked: "It's none of my business, I know; but I hate to see nice things spiled. I'd watch that roof, ef I was you, the fust time it rained."

"And that same young mistress is in a fair way to be spoiled by your flattery that is pretty certain," laughed Peggy, rising from the breakfast table and gathering up the pile of letters she had been reading. "Huh, Huh. Spiled nothin'," protested Jerome as she disappeared into the adjoining library.

However, you may as well bring your pistols, mine are at the gun-smith's. Yours always, "So you see, sir," sighed Mr. Shrig, as he put away the little book, "my case is spiled, can't come off, mustn't come off! For if young B. is Number Vun, the murderer, and C. is Number Two, the accessory afore the fact, v'y then Number Three, the unfort'nate wictim is you, sir, you! And you " said Mr.

Shadrach had liked her and Marcellus had loved her, but Zoeth had fairly bowed down and worshiped the ground she trod on. Anything she wanted, no matter what, she could have if 'twas in Zoeth's power to get it for her. He'd humored her and spiled her as if she was a child and all he asked for doin' it was that she'd pat him on the head once in a while, same as you would a dog.