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"Why I'm trying to save my poor dear books," she drawled. "Wha ght?" struggled Barton. The word dragged on his tongue like a weight of lead. "Wha ght?" he persisted desperately. "Wh ere? For Heaven's sake wha ght's the matter with us?" Solicitously little Eve Edgarton lifted a soggy magazine-page to the lantern's warm, curving cheek. "Why we're in my cave," she confided.

"Betty!" he cried, with eyes for only one of them. "Wh what are you doing here?" "Just what you're doing," said Betty with spirit, though she was blushing furiously. "Helping Uncle Sam!" "But wh-what?" stammered Allen, while Mrs. Watson looked on in amazement. "Wh-why didn't you let a fellow know?"

Quite unconscious of her approach, until she was close upon him, her objective chatted fluently with the legless one, until she spoke quietly, almost in his ear. Then it was only by a clutch at the bench back that he saved himself from disaster on his return to earth. "Wh wh what wh where how did you come here?" he stuttered. "Now, now, don't be alarmed," she admonished.

But, a week ago, having seen a lovely baby's lace dress at the lace-shop; and and won enough at wh wh whoo ist to pay for it, all but two two florins in an evil moment I went to the roulette-table and lost every shilling: and now, on may knees before you, I confess my shame." I am not a tragic painter, and certainly won't attempt to depict THIS harrowing scene.

"I prayed for you." Such news seemed but ill-gotten gains, to come before I had gathered courage to inquire after Charlotte Oliver. "Wh' where is where are the others?" "They're all about the house, tending the wounded; Mrs. Sessions is with the Squire, of course, dear, brave old gentleman! we thought he was killed, but Charlotte found the ball had glanced."

"All the room you want, Dutchy!" cried one of the cadets. Away Hans started for the stick, running as swiftly as his short legs would carry him. When about ten feet away he made a wild leap, stuck up both legs in the air, and came down flat on his back with a loud whack. "Hurrah, Hans wins!" cried Tom. "Best fall I've seen in a year!" "Wh who vat " gasped Hans, trying to recover his wind.

Lemme fetch that lamp over here till you read the writin' on the side of it, an' I'll show you whose it is." He brought the lamp. "Read that, now. Why, honey! Wh wh wh what in thunder an' lightnin'! They've done gone an' reversed it. The fool's put my name first Ephraim N. Trimble. From his "Why, Jerusalem jinger!

I happen to know a few things which must be cleared up at once and only you can do it. Understand? You don't want me to start something and well, spill the beans? Do you?" "Wh what er beans?" stammered Stiles, plainly frightened. "I'm not talking about Boston baked anyway," smiled Phil. "You won't get hurt if you play fair with me." He frowned. "I guess you know what I'm referring to.

"Young lady, did you think this was Noah's Ark!" he demanded. "No, sir. Wh y?" "Because according to your figures the 'Sister Sue' is at this minute located on a line with Mt. Washington, off yonder in the White Range." Harriet flushed to the roots of her hair as her companions shouted gleefully. At last Harriet Burrell had found something that she could not do.

And he asks, where is your young husband that he may thank him, also." "My husband!" stammered Joyce, while Leon turned sharply to gaze at her flushing cheeks. "Wh what does he mean? I have no husband." The interpreter, trying to control his smiles, explained, and the Pole, after a disconcerted expression had crossed his face, smiled blandly also and, spreading out both hands, spoke again.