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I hearn a awful tale over yander 'mongst them Jenkins folks. Ye oughter hev married Luke Todd, an' so I tole ye an' fairly beset ye ter do ten year ago. He keered fur ye. An' Tobe shucks! Wa'al, laws-a-massy, child! I hearn a awful tale 'bout Tobe up yander at Jenkinses'." Eugenia colored. "Folks hed better take keer how they talk 'bout Tobe," she said, with a touch of pride.

"Wa'al, in the days befo' the war, the po' whites were jes' trash. The planters wouldn' have 'em, because the slaves did all the work; they wouldn' work themselves, an' they didn' own slaves. So they were worse off than the negroes an' even the black race looked down on 'em. But the war waked them up." "They all fought for the South, didn't they?" "Mos'ly all.

"Upon my word, I can't understand it," said John, "knowing that you can contradict him." "Wa'al," said David, "he'll allow that if he gits in the fust word, he'll take the pole. It don't matter anyway, long 's he's gone. I guess you an' me c'n pull the load, can't we?" and he dropped down off the counter and started to go out.

Wa'al, the committee knew Dave was his brother, an' one on 'em come to see him to see if he'd come forwud an' help out, an' he seen Dave right here in this room, an' Dave made me stay an' hear the hull thing. Man's name was Smith, I remember, a peaked little man with long chin whiskers that he kep' clawin' at with his fingers.

"Pretty much like yourself," replied the officer; then he paused and held out his hand. "Shake hands, sir. I'm sorry we've had this turn." "Wa'al, it's mighty poor business, that's a fact," and Keller took the proffered hand, and then the matter apparently ended. Early in the morning on the following day whales were raised. There was a stiff breeze and a choppy sea.

"Wa'al, pretty soon I saw the boat an' I swam under water till I came up right behind it. The Jap what was sittin' in it wasn't expectin' any trouble an' as he was nid-noddin' and half asleep, I put one hand on the stern o' the boat, bringin' it down in the water. With the other hand I grabbed the back of a blouse-thing he was wearin' an' yanked him overboard."

Luke Todd was about to ask a question, but Peters, disregarding him, persisted: "Wa'al, Tobe tuk up the beastis, an' I reckon he reported her ter hisself, bein' the ranger the critter makes me laff an' he hed that thar old haffen-blind uncle o' his'n an' Perkins Bates, ez be never sober, ter appraise the vally o' the mare, an' I s'pose he delivered thar certificate ter hisself, an' I reckon he tuk oath that she kem 'thout his procuremint ter his place, in the presence o' the ranger."

I have a feeling in my bones that I may land a smuggler or two." "Oh, Will!" expostulated his sister. "Don't joke. That may be serious." "I only hope it is serious," he declared. "What's the matter with going out to-day?" asked Allen. "Wa'al, it looks like a squall," replied the old lobsterman. "If ye do go don't go out too far." "Oh, I don't want to go!" objected Grace.

This day we'd got a piece out into the country an' I had the brown colts. I says to him, 'Ever do any drivin'?" "'More or less, he says. "'Like to take the lines fer a spell? I says. "'Yes, he says, lookin' kind o' pleased, 'if you ain't afraid to trust me with 'em, he says. "'Wa'al, I'll be here, I says, an' handed 'em over.

"Wa'al he mout. Thar's somethin' masterful in thet breed thet kinderly drives men on. I don't know es I could name what it air though." Then even as he spoke a group of humanity detached itself from the force on the dam and moved away as men do who are through with their jobs.