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And while the people rocked back and forth with laughter, an usher led the excited German out, declaring all the way that "A blay vas a blay, but somedings might be dangerous even in a blay! unt dat ting vat he saw should be stobbed alreaty!" Meantime I had quite a little rest on my bed before quiet could be restored and the play proceed.

My life belongs to the country the same as theirs, unt this free Government is worth all our lives, unt more, too." His simple, sincere patriotism touched the Deacon deeply. "I'd no idee that there was so much o' the man in a Jew," he said to himself. Then he asked the stranger: "How did you come to go into the spy business, Mr. Rosenbaum?" "Well, I was in St.

I got to the house by morning, found some of them there, gathered up some more unt have been riding around all day, looking at the Yankee lines, unt trying to find some way to get inside. I'm nearly dead for sleep, but I must have these papers in General Rosecrans's hands before I close my eyes." "Your horse is all right, isn't he?" asked Shorty. "Yes, I think so," answered Rosenbaum.

"Goot rost benuts ish incite, nein sents a quoort. Shtep in unt py." The English translation followed: "Good roost peanuts is inside, nine cents a quart. Step in and by." Bessie and I were inwardly amused, but did not let it appear to the admiring children. Allie, however, had her own misgivings as to the absolute correctness of the sign, and said, doubtfully,

He never loses sight of him, yet Pop hasn't made a trade to-tay, unt here id iss twenty minutes of der glose unt dere iss Parry in deh centre again whooping her up ofer two hundred unt four." Thursday, November 12th, was a memorable day in Wall Street.

'I'll give you a mess of spare-ribs unt corn-dodgers for supper. "'You'll do nothing of the kind, said the officer. 'I told you to treat him well, unt if you don't treat him well, I'll see about it. Give him a bed in that house where de orderlies stay. "Bob Smiles grumbled unt swore at me, unt we vent out, but there was nothing to do but to obey orders.

I promised him he should have the uniform in the army in two weeks' time. Just then some officers come in, unt Jim Jones hurried me out. I could not understand Jim Jones. He hurried me across to a place behind the woods, where we found some horses. "'Untie that one unt get on quick, he said. 'My God, you've got the thing dead to rights; you've got everything on that piece of paper.

I vould kill dem all mitout mercifulness, unt be glad!" "It won't be necessary to kill them, I hope," said Beth, smiling. "All we wish is to secure our escape." "Vot a time dey make me!" said Dan'l, more calmly. "You see, I am living peacefulness in mine bungalow by der river ten mile away. Dot brute Tim, he come unt ask me to fiddle for a dance. I fiddle!

Then General Lyon took out about 3,000 men, unt brought the whole crowd back with him." "Then General Lyon," continued Rosenbaum, "sent me out from Springfield, Mizzouri, to see how many men old Pap Price unt Ben McCullough had gathered up against him from Mizzouri, Arkansaw, Texas unt the plains. Holy Moses, I was scared when I saw the pile of them.

I want you to rush that work through as fast as the Lord'll let you. After you get it done you can go where you damned please, so long as you don't let the General set eyes on you. I've saved your life, unt I'm going to trust to your honor to play fair with me. Help me out, do your work right, unt then never let me see you again. "Of course, I played fair.